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router and tesco BB saga... need some advice.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
As shown by my last few threads:

I was not very successful...

I fancy another bash at it and this is what i am suggesting.

1. unistall all software for the modem i have currently for the PC.
2. delete all connections.
3. Sort out the router and wired connection for the pc.

Once i am happy with that doing the PS3 and laptop via wireless should be a breeze.

Any suggestions or advice?
Seb, is the Netgear router still set up and running ok? If its ok you can delete all the software and both computers will connect ok.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
i went back to the crappy speedtouch modem as i was having this problem:

I am just reluctant ot wire it all up again as it takes ages due to fitted tables etc and all the wires unless i was sure it was gonig to be ok.

I must have done something wrong in the first instance so if i just plugged it all in again i'm sure i'd have the same issue... but i guess if i don't try it i won't know...


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
Also, do you get to your router setting by typing into internet exlorer, sorry if you know this!

yeah it is written on the bottom of the router.

tbh i shouldn't have these issues as i put all the correct things in the various boxes in the router screen... i just tohught maybe the software for the modem is confusing issues?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
plus tesco bb would be fine for putting through a router wouldn't it?!?! (sorry techno leper question...)
It should be, I did similar when I had my old BB with onetel, bought a wireless router and put all the settings in manually, can you not borrow someone else's wireless router to try? Maybe the router is the problem as from what you put it should work!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
i'll give it another go and see what happens. if it sucks, i'll go and get another one... as this netgear one is my own and i am trying to sort out my dad's pc at home for him... pain in the ass.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
cheers matey.

I jsut wired it all up. I pressed the reset button on my router to clear it all completey and start again.

It said it had all been a success etc and i was connected to the interent.

But i had the same problem were the picture below didn't have the world picture to show internet. When i hovered over it it only said 'access: local' and not 'access: local and internet'

I clicked on it and went to the network sharing center and i clcicked on the red X to the internet and vista somehow fixed it... don't know if it was somesort of delayed connection or somethnig maybe?!?!

appears to work for now... but i am not convinced... we shall see.


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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
it just went to limited connectivity and said the computer couldn't get to the router.

I jsut unpluged the network cable from the pc and plugged it back in and it appears to be back on again.

Could the cable be a bit wierd? Seems coincidence as i just moved my pc back into postion and the router tucked away and it did that...
