before you do this download your rstuner to your laptop , open it up and on the top right hand corner it will has RS about click on that and it will have a vci unlock code which is the code you need to send to henk once you have bought the reprog license for him to unlock,
copy the code....
then click on the link above and where it says ECU click on that and select the bottom one (siemens sirius313234 clio 2) and add that to your cart and when you go to checkout there will be a comments box which is where you paste your unlocking code in which gets sent to henk, once payed for then wait for him to email you back he will email you back a unlocking code which is a code you put in to unlock your rs tuner
he dont usually send the code till around 05:00hrs that was the time in my case but could be different, then youll be onto the next step of buying the maps ect...
but remember once youve unlocked your tuner you will then need to email henk your software version and your calibration version for him to send the files once you bought the map, in my case he didnt need to send me a software version as mine was already 8200 :/ imagine all cars vary , but you will need to do a screen shot of the software and cal version and send it to him once youve bought the maps for him to know what to send ect...