Shiny red R32
Do you know anything about water ingress in some 172s, in particular the Mk1 and some Mk2 models?
When I bought mine in January 2002, the spare wheel well had about four inches of water in it and when I mentioned it here, a few others had experienced it too. My car went into the dealer twice and they thought they had fixed it, but about three months ago I had a peep in the wheel well and it was wet again.
I dried everything out and contacted the dealer who said to bring it in, but as it hasnt happened since, I didnt bother, as I hate leaving my car the dealers in case someone knocks it.
I couldnt understand why it wasnt wet before this last time, as I am always washing my car, so where and how did the water get in? We have had a completely dry February but I have washed my car loads of times, but still dry in the spare wheel dept.
Any ideas Bob or what do you know about this problem?