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Samsung Galaxy S 2??


ClioSport Club Member
Loads of people will say they are old, out of date etc etc.

But they are cracking phones tbh, good for calls/texting/internet and a better size than the newer S3.

Obviously depends on the deal though.
  Titanium 182 FF
You definitely mean the S2? and not the newer S3?
Ive had an S2 now for just over a year, and im having quite a few issues recently. Namely with the phone randomly shutting down, frequent crashing and poor battery life. I think its an issue with the battery itself so im going to try a replacement.
  Nothing at the mo :(
Im the same between the Note 1 and 2. free upgrae next week and dunno if its worth the extra £10 a month
i went from s2 to an iphone 5, honestly not much between them speed wise, infact the s2 is slightly smoother at videos upstairs away from my router.
  182cup & 172 racecar
£22 a month with all the usual stuff, same as I'm on now but £2 less.

Just reading reviews, but they seem a little mixed, so I thought I'd ask you lot.
  182cup & 172 racecar
Cheers, I'm not bothered about having the latest phone out there.

Just wanted to know if it was any good or pants.
  A4 DTM/iceberg cup
I'm rocking a s2 had it a year with no real issues. The only differences between this phone and anything later is a slight increase in specification, if you're anything like me it makes calls, texts a little bit of interweb and the odd photo just like all the other photos out there.

will never use every function in a month of Sundays.
  ph2 172
I've had a GS2 for a fair few months now and does everything i require from it. I looked at all the reviews and came out on top at the time and pipped the iphone 4 too.
Nice size screen and some good apps from the play store.
It has crashed a couple of times which is annoying but then again most smart phones do from time to time.
As for battery life its about the same as most phones like this these days. The more stuff you have running the shorter the life. But not a problem just to stick it on charge at home or as i do i have a USB plug for my car and use the lead i got with phone. So much cheaper than a proper incar charger.


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
Like the S2...had it for about 18 months now. As its Android (same as your HTC) you shouldn't have issues with using it. For what you will probably use it for it will be more than good enough, but for £22 a month, you can get a lot better...just make sure that you have decent minutes, texts and data to compensate for its 'age'.
You definitely mean the S2? and not the newer S3?
Ive had an S2 now for just over a year, and im having quite a few issues recently. Namely with the phone randomly shutting down, frequent crashing and poor battery life. I think its an issue with the battery itself so im going to try a replacement.

Had the same problem mate, definite battery issue.

Get yourself a Saner battery off Amazon. Mine has been good as gold since.
  182cup & 172 racecar
Like the S2...had it for about 18 months now. As its Android (same as your HTC) you shouldn't have issues with using it. For what you will probably use it for it will be more than good enough, but for £22 a month, you can get a lot better...just make sure that you have decent minutes, texts and data to compensate for its 'age'.

Thanks Don
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
It's not old old, it should be recieveing an update to the most recent version of Andriod this month. That probably means nothing to you, but shows Samsung think it has life left in it and is worth continuing to support.
  Nothing at the mo :(
Orange are doing a good deal on this atm. 200 mins. unlimted text and mb for £20.50 a month with a free phone. is that a good deal for the S2 white?


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
Great phone, but if you use it quite a lot you will probably find yourself running out of juice before the day is out.
  182cup & 172 racecar
How do you get the text message warning to repeat?, it only goes once and thats it. So if you don't hear it, you've missed it.
  Nothing at the mo :(
I got a pretty good deal in the end.. £28 a month. 600mins, unlimted text and 1gb data with a FREE S3 in white :p so not bad that

£672 a year - phone cost £449 = £223 ..... £223 / 24months £9.29 a month for the tariff so pretty good
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
Loved my s2. Only sold it due to upgrade to s3 and now I've sold that as it was too big for my liking. Now trying to get old of a nexus 4.
