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SAT NAV Help needed!!

  Civic Vtec y0
The folks want to buy me some Sat Nav for my xmas but I dont have a clue which one to get! Im getting old so there only spending £150 on it lol!

So whats the best system to get for around £150?


I've been looking into all this recently as my dad wanted one for his christmas - have a look in the tech section for my thread. From what I have been told the Garmin c510 seems to be the best for that sort of money. In the end we decided to go for a tomtom one which was £180.
from what i saw it seems that either garmin or tomtom are the ones to go for. To get the tomtom one for £150 wouldn't be easy tbh unless you can get it off ebay for that sort of price.
  Civic Vtec y0
from what i saw it seems that either garmin or tomtom are the ones to go for. To get the tomtom one for £150 wouldn't be easy tbh unless you can get it off ebay for that sort of price.
just looked on ebay, there going for about 170-180 and some are even over £200 :S
yeah, they may be going for that sort of money on ebay - I was just saying that that was the only place I didn't bother trying as I needed to get it asap but everywhere else was about £180.
  2001 Ph1 172
Tom tom one ull get an online price of£185 ish if u serach all retailers but that! put up the extra cast! well well well worth it!


  Audi S1
Just ordered the Navman F20 for my bro's crimbo present, pretty cheap too at £130 delivered
  2001 Ph1 172
Just ordered the Navman F20 for my bro's crimbo present, pretty cheap too at £130 delivered

mate with the upmoast respect there nt that great! i have loads of returns on them at the shop!
  2001 Ph1 172
mate the i3 is obsolete now was great for the cash. but i very much dowt there still avalible
  Clio 182
Hi Mate,

if your after basic and value for money go for the tom tom one. After lots of research this one was the best on the market, worth paying that little extra.
