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Sat Nav Recomendations


Can you lot put down what sat nav you have and how well you rate it please!?

Im thinking of getting tomtom 510/710, the indago snooper, road angle, or a budget one,

let me no your thoughts please ......

justinRT said:
i have the pioneer avic x1r, and its awesome! no wires hanging about... simply amazing

i had that and it was the worst thing i have ever had the misfortune of using !!!!!
  Focus ST
FredYozzasport said:
i've just got a tomtom 510, its good, but it NEEDS an external gps wotsit

Highly rec' these. I've got one, but mine actually works throught the windscreen without an ext aerial. Signal strength can be improved if you get it to lock on before you put it in the car.

Saying that the strength is never at full. But works non the less.

I'd rec' a TT because you can put lots of POI's on them. Including the PocketGPSWorld speed cameras locations. 10x better than the TT ones and its cheaper.
cool keep um coming

any idea when the 710 is avaliable, some shops say there in stock but can u be sure!?
  Clio 182
FredYozzasport said:
i've just got a tomtom 510, its good, but it NEEDS an external gps wotsit

I've got the 510 too, I could get it to work when placed in the middle of the windscreen but not on the right. Only had it a week though so bit too soon to comment on it overall but I like what I've seen so far.
McBunny said:
i had that and it was the worst thing i have ever had the misfortune of using !!!!!

You maybe had a dodgy one?? was your one not the X1? cause mine has not missed a beat
nope x1r it was bloody nasty slow unreliable bad quality screen really bad map info sends you wrong way down dual caridge ways and roundabouts down roads that have been closed for about 10 years wouldnt take you the shortest route even when you could see another way was shorter noisy anoying voices etc i had it for about 2 months then sold it and even tho i got ripped off when it went by paypal im really glad i sold it !!!!
justinRT said:
a 300 pound tom tom cant play music, dvds, etc though can it

no but that x1r does that badly too dvd playback was shite and there is no etc it plays music and dvd's and satnav thats it oh and the g meter

oh and teh tomtom 910 plays mp3's ;)
McBunny said:
no but that x1r does that badly too dvd playback was sh*te and there is no etc it plays music and dvd's and satnav thats it oh and the g meter

oh and teh tomtom 910 plays mp3's ;)

the 910 is pushing £500, and tbh, thats expensive.. seriously, sounds like you had a poor one, as i wouldnt change mine... only thing its missing is a speed camera detector
a poor one they are all the same. the map info wasnt different between ones that came out of the factory etc

i am glad to be shot of it even if all in it did cost me over 2300
it was a liability


ClioSport Club Member
i've got the tomtom one and it has been great i even got a signal from the drinks holder by the gear stick the other day when i could'nt be bothered attaching it to the screen


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Well I want an affordable, reliable one. Thats speed camera detector first Sat Nav sencond, Audible alerts of cameras is a must, £350 is my limit any ideas?
road angle 6000 for £250 is both but im not sure how good it will be i had the tomtom one but got rid of it. no i need one again! im an idiot
i would go for the new road angel thing, has a speed camera detector and navigation in it.. goes for about £250 but cant remember the model!
  R35 GTR
tomtom on ipaq pda. stealth install!
^^ thats mint mate! though does it not get annoying having to hav your visor down when wanting to use your sat nav?
  R35 GTR
justinRT said:
^^ thats mint mate! though does it not get annoying having to hav your visor down when wanting to use your sat nav?

no, got used to it now, its a pain to start with though.
