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Scariest moment you’ve gotten away with

Just thinking about some hair raising moments where the sh*t hits the fan and you somehow come through it alive!

Anybody almost died and the actual moment was a blank?

GO on then!

ive had a near miss with a taxhi in HK. Mountan rds, goin down the hill, about 120, saw the taxi but thought no way is he going to pull out with me screaming towards him, and guess what, he pulled all the way into teh middle of the rd......yes, i pooped and wondered how i goth through a gap smaller than my car! haha


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

im doing 110mph on my cbr400 and (french) hgv pulls into fastlane i brake slide the bike im in the armco at about 45mph and slide over to the otherside of the carriageway woke up 3 hours later with a broken arm and a headache and a sore ass/leg (leathers had worn away!!)

and the moral of this story- the french are c**ts thats not an excape!!!

thats a crash and burn!

you got a gravel tecture bottom now?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

nah its all healed happened about 3 years ago when i was 17

17 with a cbr400!!!

33 brake on that!!....well, im guessing that restrictor was taken out! haha

yeah.........i remember this girl i used to go out wiv.....i told her i didnt mind a bit of pain so she tied me naked to the bed & she got this fookin huge whip out & then......oppss sorry wrong topic.....!!!!

oh, sorry to hear that, didnt mean this to be a morbid thread!

when i was a kid in the back of the Toyota Camry (old skool one) i was doing a handstand when a taxi hit us head head was stuck under the seat infront! haha, not hurt, still.....but not nice for a young kid.....haha
  Hippys bus of LOVE !!!

LOL @ benR, Its weird the stuff you remember and the things you dont from an accident.

The fireman who was with me under the blanket that covered me while I was being cut out was called Bob. I remember it was raining, as I could feel it on my face, hence the blanket & being cut out.

I wasnt driving the car, although it was my car, my life long friend/boyfriend was joking with me that I had my car about six months and I hadnt even tuned the radio. So he was explaing how to tune it and thats what I was doing before impact. I do remember the bang, as it was so loud. I thought wed hit a deer or something. It was a drunk driver over taking a line of traffic, in the rain on a country road.

I dont remember a second bang, but the car span off the road and hit a tree on the drivers side. The tree won. I kinda remember my boyfriend saying well be ok, but I could have imagined it.

The fireman was chewing Juicey fruit chewing gum, and thats what anton used to chew all the time. I absolutely melt even now when I smell or taste it.

Thanks to Bob the fireman

My injuries were quite severe, head in a coma for a week or so and sedated after that. Broken leg, plastic surgery to my face, you wouldnt know, although one side is drooping a lot quicker than the other :) the one without the surgery.

It all went to court EVENTUALLY and the drunk driver killed himself, I dont think he could cope with what he had done. He did ask to meet me but dropped out a number of times.

I had loads of counselling, so much so I could probibly be a couseller :)

Apologies for the long post


Hippychick.......its nice to hear you got outta that one....if theres one thing i hate & thats drunk drivers !

but like i said in another can be replaced...people cant !!
  Hippys bus of LOVE !!!

Quote: Originally posted by Fatherted on 16 April 2003

Hippychick.......its nice to hear you got outta that one....if theres one thing i hate & thats drunk drivers !

but like i said in another can be replaced...people cant !!
Totally agree there ! I never drink and drive, it wasnt so much the carnage of the accident, its the way it effect peoples lives. Not just mine but everyone involved. Police, ambulance, fire brigade, people who witnessed it.

I remember a police officer saying its a nasty one this one, I didnt understand at the time, he was referring to the car I was in.

What made it worse is my dad had not long retired from the police force as chief inspector, not a call he wanted to get from his old work mates.

I never did replace the car, when I see one it turns my stomach, I keep booking a test drive in the new celica, which is a totally diffrent car, but Im still haunted.

I never wear jewellery as thats how I was identified by my dad in the hospital :( not even a watch :)
  Hippys bus of LOVE !!!

Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 16 April 2003

i honestly dont know what to say bar im glad your ok now.
Awe thanks BenR, Its not something I dwell on too much, I did lose the best and longest friend in the world. I knew Anton since I was 3 years old and nothing or no-one knew me like he did.

Ive always been really outgoing and make friends really easy, so maybe deep down Im looking for a replacement :oops::D who knows

Just Drive carefully......

I went to rally school after the accident and did loads of defensive driving courses. I originally learnt to drive on a tractor off road !but Id love to go on a skid pan...

OH, i didnt realise you lost Anton.........

Last christmas i lost the entire side of my fathers family in an airplane crash, they were off to Majorca, and cousin, he was a fab guy, had his whole life infront of him, and his girlfriend was with him.

You might of read about it, it was a light aircraft that caught on fire in the air and crashed into a tyre factory, i cant imagine what they went through.

oh my god. You lot must of experienced so much, so many emotions. Makes me realise just how lucky i am and have been in my 21yrs.
  Hippys bus of LOVE !!!

OMG, I never read about it, I hate flying, so if theres a story about a crash I usually give it a wide birth....

So was it a prive plane ? That must be the worst thing in the world.....

I was lucky as I was unconcious for most of the accident and Anton must have been too. He did have hold of my hand as paramedics got him out first and I had to let go....:(

Antons dad owned a Toyota dealership so we both had Celicas. He bought me white to show off my tan and his was red.

To be honest I think I drove the red one more :)

Its not something you ever get over and anyone who says you will is lying. You just remember the good times and silly things. Like juicey friut chewing gum :D

i find myself quite strong, i didnt cry but the thoughts that go though your head.

Idnetifying the body of a guy 1 yr older than you whom you used to play with an get up to all sorts of touble with is hard.

I just remember nights when we stayed up all night talking bout

Such a waste............

My grandfather passed away a few months ago, i was in teh UK he was in HK, jsut regret not saying anything before i left, like things were not finished, i didnt get to say bye.

Traditional chinese funeral, which my younger bro told me freaked him to no end. During the funeral, Kathy (3yr old cousin) smiled to my younger bro and said (in simple english) "whys Gung Gung over there?" (she meant standing nxt to my mom and the other sisters)..........then he felt a hand grab his arm, nobody there, but the hairs on his arm were pricked up in the shape of a hand, the area red.......that freaked me so much!!!

OK, jsut read my first post and it does seem morbid, i was truely talking about almost loosing it in your car and gatting it back, but it went a bit pear shaped! :confused:

Sorry peeps

Quote: Originally posted by BenR on 16 April 2003

Just thinking about some hair raising moments where the sh*t hits the fan and you somehow come through it alive!

Anybody almost died and the actual moment was a blank?
I was driving along in my "X" Girlfriends fathers car when my future mother in law at the time decided she was going to have a go at me. :devilish:

After 25 mins of constant nagging and shouting at me I stopped the car and threw her out. Driving home I remembered it was her car and I was in trouble as the old bat was taking a bus home!:mad:

All hell let loose the following day but I lived through it.:D

Quote: Originally posted by tomclio1.2 on 16 April 2003

yep but its was bike related and involved a hgv
Same here. On my old KR1S, hammering it down Tolpits Lane (near Watford for those that know it), came flying round a corner to find two lorrys trying to pass each other, was going too fast to slow down so instead of going into the back of the lorry in my lane, I pulled out from behind it only to now be faced head on with another lorry. I manage to squeeze between the two lorrys but in the process I clipped BOTH side of the bike on both lorrys, the left side taking out my mirror and exhaust, and the right side taking out my right mirror, faring, engine casing, exhaust and foot peg with my foot still on it!!!

And I still magaged to stay on.! Rolled to a stop about 50 meters up the road, put the stand down and then fell off with my foot in agony. It had punched a hole through my boot and socks and you could see my foot, but luckily I got away with very bad bruising.

driving along on the motorway bout 85 while overtaking a lorry and he sticks his right indicator on, so i think na he wont move ova, but he did. so i had to hit the breaks so hard and swerve out but i duno how i controlled the car. and i did need to new pair of underwear

coming back from doing a BIG shop @ Asda, had a little Cinquecento Sporting. There wasnt enough room for everything in the boot so I put most on the back seat..

Nissans factory is less than a mile from my house and I drive past it to get home. Just outside its main entrance there is a set of traffic lights which have been (up until 2 months ago) a sore point with the people of the area as being dangerous.

As I approached the traffic lights (60 zone) at about 50mph I was showing the wife what to look for on the road (she was about to start to learn driving) and remember saying:

"and the road is clear and the lights are still on green so we can continue....." when and XR3i came round the opposite bend, and, upon seeing a green light to go straight on, turned right across my path!

All I can remember was saying "what the F" and didnt finish the word as I hit him on his front left wing. I watched a tin of hot dogs fly through the windscreen and that was where I blacked out......

I woke outside the car screaming at the guy that had pulled out but he wasnt there..... Apparently he had got out, seen us both looking dead and ran to Nissan main security for help. Then I heard the missus crying in pain and all priorities changed.

She had broken her breastbone on the seatbelt and was in a crumpled mess in the seat, unable to move. I can remember three cars drive past me as I desperately tried to get someone to stop and help.

Luckily this is when things got better, about 6 cars back from the accident there was a car full of Fire officers, on their way to work! They helped more than you can imagine. Plus all the lads going into Nissan (change shift time) helped enourmously.

I didnt smoke before that day but someone gave me a fag and it was smoked quickly.

5 hours later in hospital I found out I had torn pretty much every muscle in my back as I locked my arms on impact, how I had managed to get out of the car is still a mystery to this day, cos the door wouldnt open....

Some things I will never know.

Kinda makes you think alot more about your driving, main reason I bought the Clio, 4 airbags! Safety is now more important than speed in my book.

Made page seven of the local paper (Sunderland echo) still have it, kinda hit home in the hospital the nexty day when we saw it.....

Drive safe peeps
  RB5 & 172

heading to work on a monday morning half asleep on the country roads. come to a corner that ive been around a 1000 times and know that in the wet there is no grip. anyway head into the corner and start to understeer, but like a half asleep Muppet i lift of the gas and say hello to a huge amount of lift off oversteer! my car spins round heading backwards to the inside on the corner and lots of concrete posts! the bit I got away with is that there was a gap of about 10m with no concrete post ( an m3 had gone through there about 1 month earlier), some how my car goes through the gap and ends up in the field with no damage! it was not until it had to be pulled out from the field that they crushed a section of the floor panel which took a month to be repaired.

it goes from bad to worse. 3 months later on my home from work heading to the same corner in the opposite direction (again in the wet) i see a volvo come round the corner a little to fast. i think to my self i know where thats going and stamp on the brakes. as i thought the volvo comes onto my side of the road and back towards the inside of the corner, but then to my horror comes back towards me. i remember it all very well, even the fact that i pulled my arms into my body to make myself smaller to fit through the small gap between fast moving volvo and trees on the road side. despite my attempts to reduce the width of my car i get hit front 3 quarters, rolled and my car ends up on its side in the middle of the road. i never knew how heavy a car door is until you have to lift one when its on its side, i climb out, the door shuts behind me and im stood in the peeing down rain in just a t-shirt as i could not get back into the car to get my coat! i did remember to put my hazards on before i climbed out the car for some strange reason?

luckily neither myself or the other driver were hurt, just cut and bruises and my car written off, the volvo a dented wing!

when i was first learning to drive.... my first ever time i got in the car... dad and mum took me out to a carpark... then i took over.. got used to clutch etc.. then started off on the road... went down this stretch of road for about 1 mile.. then dad said turn right at this corner...

picture it... going along at 40mph.. u have to indicate... slow down to atleast 2nd gear with no cars coming opposite way to cross the road to go down this side road...

well...i was in 4th.. didnt change down and forgot to break and just turned... at this point.. heading for a wall with wheels turned right and just sliding a little.. and dad pulls up handbreak and does a 90 turn..

was met with a prompt yelling at from mum! and a quick change to the passenger seat LOL

Quote: Originally posted by Hippychick on 16 April 2003

LOL @ benR, Its weird the stuff you remember and the things you dont from an accident.

The fireman who was with me under the blanket that covered me while I was being cut out was called Bob. I remember it was raining, as I could feel it on my face, hence the blanket & being cut out.

I wasnt driving the car, although it was my car, my life long friend/boyfriend was joking with me that I had my car about six months and I hadnt even tuned the radio. So he was explaing how to tune it and thats what I was doing before impact. I do remember the bang, as it was so loud. I thought wed hit a deer or something. It was a drunk driver over taking a line of traffic, in the rain on a country road.

I dont remember a second bang, but the car span off the road and hit a tree on the drivers side. The tree won. I kinda remember my boyfriend saying well be ok, but I could have imagined it.

The fireman was chewing Juicey fruit chewing gum, and thats what anton used to chew all the time. I absolutely melt even now when I smell or taste it.

Thanks to Bob the fireman

My injuries were quite severe, head in a coma for a week or so and sedated after that. Broken leg, plastic surgery to my face, you wouldnt know, although one side is drooping a lot quicker than the other :) the one without the surgery.

It all went to court EVENTUALLY and the drunk driver killed himself, I dont think he could cope with what he had done. He did ask to meet me but dropped out a number of times.

I had loads of counselling, so much so I could probibly be a couseller :)

Apologies for the long post

i was really touch after reading this, im so glad you made it through!! thats story is amazing!

Hippychick did your driver/passenger pull through also? you advised about yourself but how did you friend get on? hope he was ok too.

  VW Potato

Hippy and BenR - I was terribly saddened to read of your personal losses. I hope that whatever suffering youve endured in the past is at some point in your life matched by an equal pleasure, because you dont half deserve it.


Long sweeping left hand bend in a residential area... my trusty fiat uno, 19yrs old.... it had been raining and cleverly I thought right lets boot it round this bend.

dropped it to 3rd and floored it, que worlds worst understeer as the crappy remoulds on the front just give up. I had full lock on and was still going outwards towards parked cars at the side of the road....

any way hit the brakes in a natural reaction to stop and the front came flicking back taking me into the opposite lane which was empty fortunately...

One valuable lesson learned the hard way... when its wet dont f*ck about.
  silver valver/hybrid

ive had a couple of close calls, once in my micra was going down a small country lane, taking it nice and easy, when suddenly a large tractor came round a sharp bend, and the farmer was reading the paper! he saw me and swerved (i had slammed on my brakes and stopped by this point) he narrowly missed me but he was towing a large plough with huge spikes on it, which started swaying and missed my windscreen by inches! if it had hit it would have gone straight into my face!

another tale is when i was delivering some parts to a factory in birmingham, i was driving a volvo 740 estate and it was snowing quite heavy. I came up to a 4 way junction with no traffic lights, i was on the main road but a lorry pulled out of a side road without looking, i swerved, getting some major oversteer, i was literally sideways, with parked cars either side of me, i must have been a foot away from the cars at most, managed to control it and stop! definately a brown trouser moment!

one other time, in the micra going down a lane in the snow wide enough for a single car, coming round a bend, and there is a montego with the driver with a road map on the steering wheel (what is it with these people!?) he locked up and was heading straight for me, i swerved up the grass verge, almost to tipping point, and he still clipped my wing mirror! think he sh*t himself as much as i did!


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

i have had 3 sh*t scary moments,

first i was 16 had a pug scooter 50cc jobby, had it derestricted and sports zorst and some other bits done to the engine to make it go quick as possible had a top speed of about 60mph on the flat which was bloddy fast for a ikkle scooter, was going along speedo showing 40 mph going along this country road i know i go round this corner and a bird flys right out in front of me i duck and sh*t myself. still going along think crap that was lucky forgetting it was going round the corner all of a sudden i see the apex of the corner with a steep bank i swearve hit the bank fett fall of bike, bike lands on right foot and i continue to slide along the floor badly spraining my ancle. 4 cars past me and not 1 stopped i cant really remember much of it but it hurt i got up picked up bike turned it round to head home and it wouldnt start!

walked a bit and couldnt take pain ne more passed out on side of the road.

was bad cos i was only wearing a hoddie jumper and jeans cut all my back up.

second was in my clio was coming home from work in cheltenham going through a place called charlton kings going down a wide open road down hill (not steep) there is a huge junction really wide, im driving down main road and a stupid woman in a mondeo drives down the adjoining road and dont stop at the junction and straight in to the side of me slid me across the road in to oncoming traffic car coming towards me swearvs out of way and pulls over on the side of the road, i get out screaming at the woman she says oh sorry i didnt see u!, then she says i live across the road i will go get a pen and paper off she goes im stood there for 15 mins she comes back and says sorry i needed to get changed as im going out tonight!!!!!

3rd time was not long ago was january my mum had called me at home and said my gran was really ill and she needed to go to hospital and she was going to see her at her home i said i will drive there and meet u.

come out of my road to join the main road it had been snowing and i was pumped up worrying about my gran, un known to me the way i wanted to go there is a corner that dipps down and there had been 6 car crashes there that morning but the stupid police had put the signs right up the road past my junction, i didnt see signs so im driving along come to this corner see cars scattered every where think sh*t jump on brakes and i slide on black ice, quickly let go of brakes and try to get controll again i did just stopped facing a police car and the copper that was sat inside looked like he had painted his pants he said why did u come down this way i said i didnt know he said there were signs show me where u came from i showed him and he appologised to me for placing the signs in the wrong place :D

all 3 scared me

was in the car with my mum once and it was raining going down a road i tell her to slow down as it was a dangerouse bend and on the apex of the right hand bend there is a junction so she is going round the corner slowly as a kid comes flying straight across the road on a scooter and drops his bike but hits the car with his helmet, mum was shaken up and first thing she said was sh*t ive killed him! she is in shock i get out and he is led on the floor he moves and gets up mum goes spare and calls him names etc lol i think mum screaming at him shook him up worse than the crash :D we gave him a lift home as his scooter was wrecked lol
  Hippys bus of LOVE !!!

Quote: Originally posted by rockport on 16 April 2003

Quote: Originally posted by Hippychick on 16 April 2003

LOL @ benR, Its weird the stuff you remember and the things you dont from an accident.

The fireman who was with me under the blanket that covered me while I was being cut out was called Bob. I remember it was raining, as I could feel it on my face, hence the blanket & being cut out.

I wasnt driving the car, although it was my car, my life long friend/boyfriend was joking with me that I had my car about six months and I hadnt even tuned the radio. So he was explaing how to tune it and thats what I was doing before impact. I do remember the bang, as it was so loud. I thought wed hit a deer or something. It was a drunk driver over taking a line of traffic, in the rain on a country road.

I dont remember a second bang, but the car span off the road and hit a tree on the drivers side. The tree won. I kinda remember my boyfriend saying well be ok, but I could have imagined it.

The fireman was chewing Juicey fruit chewing gum, and thats what anton used to chew all the time. I absolutely melt even now when I smell or taste it.

Thanks to Bob the fireman

My injuries were quite severe, head in a coma for a week or so and sedated after that. Broken leg, plastic surgery to my face, you wouldnt know, although one side is drooping a lot quicker than the other :) the one without the surgery.

It all went to court EVENTUALLY and the drunk driver killed himself, I dont think he could cope with what he had done. He did ask to meet me but dropped out a number of times.

I had loads of counselling, so much so I could probibly be a couseller :)

Apologies for the long post

i was really touch after reading this, im so glad you made it through!! thats story is amazing!

Hippychick did your driver/passenger pull through also? you advised about yourself but how did you friend get on? hope he was ok too.

Sorry rock port, Anton died at the scene


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW I4 M50

Im glad to say ive had no bad accidents (Touching wood) although i did have a scarey moment on my 6th driving lesson.. was going about 55mph up a long straight road.. when the front drivers side tire blew.. car swered quite alot, but with my instructors help we slowed the car down without loosing it.. didnt really wana carry on with the lesson after that.. was a bit paranoid.

Driving my dads 320d estate (150 bhp, 250lb torque model) it was damp took TC /ESC electronic gizmos off for a bit of fun in 3rd gear booted it round the corner od a dual carriage way off a roundabout at 45mph in 3rd gear.

Suddenly all the torque came flooding in back stepped out 45 degrees, had the hugest tank slapper ever, really was sh*tting my pants curbs on both sides, ditch on the other. Four stabs of oppoite lock later saved the car and pootled off down the road. Funny there was already a Porsche Boxtser down the ditch who must have not been so lucky, I positive i would have ended up right on top of the Boxter.

Now I know why they put all this electronic crap on RWD cars otherwise there would be loads more accidents.

Years of playing TOCA and GT3 really did help, chuffed that I pulled it off though. Diesels really can be fun!!

First of all wow! Hippychick and Ben thats some really bad stuff! I think it explains why you both appear to be level headed and nice people, despite the sadness and pain it can make you a better person who respects life

However, i dont respect life! I have been in too many crashes! My worst was my second race in a van diemen, i completely locked up at Brooklands (silverstone) and lost my two front wheels hitting two other cars, this turned mine into a torpedo! I hit another car and the next i knew i was waking up in hospital. I had a few serious injuries but nothing that major, i was supposedly lucky to of kept my left foot !

