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Scooby Import Insurance

  No more clio's for me!
Can someone recommend me an insurance company for a scooby import WRX with mods?

I've tried bell and i'm gonna call MCE tomorrow? Anyone else?

  Mondeo TDCI 130
get on scoobynet, and find a bloke called richard luckhurst, he did mine, there is an insurance section! top guy! mine was £1300 fully comp on a 1995 wrx import, that was under my dad as the main driver!
  No more clio's for me!
Cheers, How old are you mate? How many NCB is that with?

The best i've got so far with me as the main driver is £1200 with the mods claimed, 23yrs old and 5yrs NCB and £900 with the missus as the main driver.

I'll get on scoobynet ta :)
  Mondeo TDCI 130
well i was 23! but i had no no claims of my own! so would be unsure... i know they were protected!
you still bouncing off the walls thinking of changing then dan ?

as i said would love the wheels if you sell. swap for my std ones ?
  No more clio's for me!
Yeah thinking of changing...but not looking to spend anything extra so my options are limited...thinking of this atm...


Its a L plate 94' WRX import with 52k on the clock. But i know they are gonna screw me for insurance. lol

I'll let you know about the wheels if i decide to jump :)
they sure will lol, not a scoob fan tbh but that looks tastefully done. ok mate well let me know.
