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SE W910i - s**t!

  BMW E46 330i Touring
Has anyone else had major problems with the W910i, with regards to turning itself off, the red light on the back, 'operation failed', etc?

I've got the phone on an 18 month contract, which started about 13 months ago (no insurance, so Orange aren't going to give a crap now, as I doubt SE will...) and recently it's turned itself off and on once every 2 or 3 days.

Two guys in the same team in work also have the phone and have reported the same problems; just wondered if anyone else has experience these problems and if they managed to get anything sorted?

IF Sony cared, I wouldn't even mind just having a little contribution towards paying the rest of my contract and cancelling so I can get a decent phone, but that's unlikely...
Yeah my mate has one, and it's been doing the exact same thing.

He's in a similar situation, has to wait until his contract is up, although I think SE have a 2 year warranty?!?
  BMW E46 330i Touring
I might give SE a call then if it's 2 years... xzibit, has your mate tried to tget it fixed or anything?

Yeah, I updated the firmware about a month ago, if that, when I couldn't get into any of my messages. I don't have any 'operation failed' anymore, but it still turns itself off randomly and 'red lights' on me.
Re: SE W910i - s**t!

I might give SE a call then if it's 2 years... xzibit, has your mate tried to tget it fixed or anything?

No because he's useless even though I've told him. My SE T650i had a 2 year warranty, the w910i is newer I think so should have the same warranty period.
  BMW bus
Re: SE W910i - s**t!

My SE W890i does the exact same thing.......I think it must be a SE thing to be honest, lots of people seem to have this problem.
Am on my second one now - only had it a month and I already feel like smashing the fecker to bits
  Better than yours. C*nt.
W880i does it but only recently and it's as old as the 880i, so I can forgive it.

More fool you for buying a handset under contract, pay for the handset on it's own from the interweb and get a SIM-only contract. The handset doesn't get molested by the operator and you get the manufacturer's warranty not the operators!
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Your 880i is as old as the 880i?

Cheers for the input, I'll get my time machine out and travel back 13 months to when I thought I'd do the easy thing and get an alright phone on a cheap contract...

But, surely whether I get handset only or contract, I still get manufacturer's warranty?
  BMW E46 330i Touring
Re: SE W910i - s**t!

Yeah, I updated the firmware about a month ago, if that, when I couldn't get into any of my messages. I don't have any 'operation failed' anymore, but it still turns itself off randomly and 'red lights' on me.

Tried it chap, so many people are reporting the same fault with this phone I think it's more than that.
  Recaro Black Gold 182
Just seen its locked to Orange, that could be half your problem!

Because of all the crappy menu setup and logo's etc Orange have written into the phones software, the version you have might not be the latest you can get but the latest that Orange will allow so it doesn't get rid of all their crap, if that makes sense.

If you've got some know how then you could try this which will flash the phone with generic firmware (what Sony themselves would ship with)


I've done it with quite a few SE phones and they run much better without network branding, as that's how the manufacturer intended it!
My Mrs phone does it, just stops working and sort of restarts itself every so often.

Mine is now doing it, thought it's an SE W760i.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Re: SE W910i - s**t!

Your 880i is as old as the 880i?

Yeah, I bought it when the W880i came out - rather than getting it a few months later or something.

Think it was one of the first in the country, IIRC.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Re: SE W910i - s**t!

But, surely whether I get handset only or contract, I still get manufacturer's warranty?

No, I think the official stance is the Manufacturer's warranty is invalid as the operator changes the firmware on it substantially, and as such it is left to them to warranty.
