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Seat reclining problem

  Monaco 172
My seat doesn't recline when Iwhen I pull the lever up.

Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas how to fix it?
  Monaco 172
I think I pulled it too hard or something.

Must be a common fault as i swear it happned to my old one rightr before I wrote it off.

I need to fix it asap.
this happened to me a couple of times if u look under the seat there is a large metal pin that slides into the sliding mechanisim, this usually comes loose and falls out, if u see it out slightly this probably is the problem just simply give it a good wiggle and a push it will go back in :)

there is one pin either side of the seat

From the Front of the seat



From The back of the seat

what u may also find easier if u remove the plastic covers along side the seat u will see the machanism and how it works sorry no pics of this
