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Setting Fax Machine Up In My House - Do I Need Seperate Number/Connection?

  Clio DCi 65
My mum currently runs her business from the house so we've got a Business connection with Talk Talk.

I've just got a new all in one printer and it's also got a Fax machine built into it,

How do i set it up so that i can send/recieve faxes, do i need to contact Talk Talk for another number to do so or can i just run it through my normal house number?

Using an EPSON SX600FW All-In-One.

Any other info on this would be great!

  330Ci (Fail)Sport
I believe you can run it on your main line, although after a certain number of bells the fax will cut in so if you don't pick up quickly, there'll be a nice dial tone noise for the caller. I think you can change how long it rings before this though. Obviously, sending and receiving faxes uses the line so for business purposes it may be better to get a second line to keep the main line free for calls.
  Clio DCi 65
The fax won't always be connected, it'l just be connected when i'm expecting to be sending something or recieving something.

Do i just connect it to the phone line through a multi-adapter thing and it will work fine then using my same house number?
  SLK250 CDI
My fax machine has 'distinctive ring detection'. I subscribe to the BT Call Sign service - you get an extra phone number for the same line and when someone rings that, it sounds like a different ring tone - the fax machine detects this and answers. Useful for occasional use and you end up with a seperate fax number on the same line.
