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Setting up headunit w/ subwoofer


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I have fitted a alpine swe1200 underseat subwoofer and have recently converted all 4 speakers back to standard as I was running some Edge ones up front and tiny Kenwood ones in the back. Audio doesn't seem to have improved greatly, but I think it's down to the settings not being correct.
On the PIONEER headunit I have HPF, Subwoofer phase, Subwoofer Bass booster, Equaliser. I also have 2 dials that came with the subwoofer but i've no idea the best way to use it?

I noticed on the radio it's fine, but when I plugged in my ipod the other day it was crackling through the speakers. Seemed odd considering it's fine on the radio and I never got any crackling with the old edge speakers. I'd been led to believe standard speakers with a sub would be the best without spending lots?

Any ideas? I'm not averse to getting a new headunit but this one has always been pretty decent for me. It's a pioneer deh 8400bt.


ClioSport Club Member
First some opinion, the edge speakers seem to be coaxial.....there is a reason Renault put the tweeters in the dash, it sounds better!
The door speakers are not the best but will do if not fed too much power. Get some good 13cm (or even 16cm there is a guide on here)

SWE1200 lowest filter setting is 50Hz, would not set it higher than 60Hz because the base will become directional, leave the gain in about the middle. (then leave and never touch again)
HPF:High Pass Filter set to the same freq as the lowest filter setting on the sub. this will filter out anything lower than what you set it to.
Equalizer: best way to go about this is to play some full spectrum white noise and analyse with a phone app like audiotool.
set this tool to the same number of bands as your HU EQ, play the noise, look at the app and look for peaks or troughs, adjust the EQ until all bands are about equal in the app, this is you baseline. (this takes care of any frequency anomalies generated by a car interior).
Next play whatver you like or listen most to and adjust EQ to taste.
Sub phase: as low frequencies generate long waves it is possible the listening position is in a peak or a trough of the wave, this will make the subwoofer sound too powerfull or too weak, you can adjust this with the app or by ear.


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