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Setting up PS3 for online


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
My sister well for my Nephew and Neice they want to go online but don't know what to do on getting set up. The Router is wireless and it's down stairs and the PS3 will be up stairs so has to go wireless. It's way to long to go wired. The make and model of both the router and pc will post up later on if needed.
What step by step guide do you have to do like? I cant remember what i did and my mate came round to help me
  PH1 iceburg
Go to settings menu of ps3 and under internet you can set it to wireless to connect to your router


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
ok, so you will be loking for your router? if so what then?
Last edited:
  Jap Box
Making this thread was probably harder TBH.

Indeed, go to settings, down to network settings, scan for new wireless access point, find yours, input any security you might possibly have, click done and then test the connection, if all works fine then its setup and online :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
ok, so basicly Setting, Network Setting, then Internet Connection Setting, then scan for Wireless access point then find your router then input any secrurity info, click done and test the connection. And that's it, easy as that?
  Jap Box
ok, so basicly Setting, Network Setting, then Internet Connection Setting, then scan for Wireless access point then find your router then input any secrurity info, click done and test the connection. And that's it, easy as that?

Pretty much yeah, its basically just clicking "Next" on most options, very simple.
