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Sex wee! (new MBP's)

f**k, mine is 2 models behind now !


Nice, looks pretty much the same, spec is much better. Wonder what the screens are like, I think I should have got the glossy screen.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
The 15 has the most changes its LED back lit now.

The graphic setup is better now
I've got the first MBP with core duo.

Wonder if this one heats up as much. ?

Mine gets way too hot and also does some funny noises.
My first gen MBP gets warm too.. but you can control fans and turn them up a bit.
First gen run at 1000rpm default, they put it up to 2000rpm default on Core2Duo's..

Either way, the new ones are cheaper, faster etc .. so pretty cool. I wouldn't replace my MBP for one though.. not a "replacement" as such, just an upgrade to keep up with the times.
the fan on my iMac goes like a mofo sometimes! how do i slow it up?

I use a program called smcFanControl.
I don't think you can turn the speed down, if it's going quick tho.. you can turn the default up (idle speed) but if it's going quick, it's going quick for a reason.
yer it's just an upgrade, nothing more.

Mine works fine, just hot.

Lovely, got it for £750 though so what a bargain ;)
