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I was told my Internet would be up and working by today and still not working don't want to ring the fuckin arseholes at a fiver a minute
It's free i think. I call them a bit. Double check though, as i use a business phone so anything is free due to the deal i have.
Still not working turns out the phone lines not even been done right. Was told last Thursday they may be able to do something from their end but someone might need to come out. Still not heard anything from them.

I hate sky I hope every single person who works for them or owns shares in them dies slow and painfully!

My last phone bill was 200 for the month it's usually 20 and i never go over. Since signing up a month ago I've been on the phone to them almost everyday. I've had 2 new remotes, an engineer out to replace the box, told my phone line was done 3 weeks ago and it weren't broadband not working! Regardless they are still charging me for these 2 services. I've been disconnected many times when getting transfered to different departments. I was also promised 50 pounds worth of m & a vouchers which I still haven't received even after enquiring at least 4 times I've been fobbed off by supervisors and management, never get through to the same person twice, they have about 5 million different numbers with 10 million side options when you get through, I'm so close to cancelling my direct debit

Everyone at sky I hope you die mother f**kers
We had issues with our broadband and fucked them off in the end. They agreed to cancel the 12month contract early and refund us. Wouldn't have minded if they actually fixed it instead of getting through to india asking if you've plugged it in right.
