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Slight help needed in a way.

Right, a female friend of mine is having some problems with her PC.

Basically this is what she said
i turn it on and it starts up normally
and my log in thingy cums up
and i type my password and log in.. but instead of cumin up with the normal screen, it goes black
and a box comes up, sayin my product key is wrong

She says she enters the key thats on her laptop (the sticker) but it says this is invalid.

Now i have never seen this issue before. She is going to go ahead and buy a new laptop - losing all her photos and music, however i could easily get all this off for her by removing her hdd etc.

But can she ring up Microsoft and do anything? Never come across this before as my Windows has never been erm, yea.
hehe, she said "cums" and "cumin"


I have no idea what is causing the problem. Just do a fresh install of windows if all else fails rather than buying a new laptop though!!! Female logic:clown:
Sounds like its running in reduced functionality mode. It shoudl still have the browser available. If so, browse to C:\windows\system32 and start a CMD.EXE elevated (Right Click-> Run as Administrator. Once up run the following:

slmgr.vbs -rearm

Should give you another 30 days to sort the issue or move the data off
