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slight Laquer run remedy

  Honda & VW
I have painted and laquered my engine cover (first attempt) and must say i'm pretty happy with the result. However there are 2 ever so slight runs of laquer.

what are my options in terms of getting rid of the runs?
  Titanium 182
Let it dry, hard. Then get some fine grade sandpaper dip it in soapy water and sand until it's flat with the rest of the lacquer. rinse - dry - apply another layer.
  iceberg 172
once it drys rub it down with 2000 grit wet and dry paper then use t-cut or polishing compound then wax it.;)
  Titanium 182
Sorry yeah, once you've flatted it done bother spraying another layer on just polish it then wax the entire cover.
  iceberg 172
yeah after you've got it how you want just wax it.

mine after i waxed it, do it every time a wax the car
