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Slow laptop... Help?

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I don't know anything about technology, I can barely use my iPhone!

I've got a cheap Asus laptop, it's about 18 months old. Just lately it's been really slow, especially playing YouTube videos etc. I don't know if it's the internet connection or the laptop? What's this Malware/Spywear removal? Would that help?

Someone care to point me in the right direction?? :)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Depends on the sort of stuff you've actually got on the laptop? Are you running an anti virus software? If it's McAfee or Norton i'd personally remove it and put AVG on it as there's less bloatware to it which will slow you down. Download the program called "ccleaner" (it's free -
) and run that deleting all caches etc. Will clear it up a lot! How are the speeds of your internet when using your iPhone?

It would also help to know what operating system you're running? As I can guide you from there to stop things loading on startup which you dont need running all the time!

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Depends on the sort of stuff you've actually got on the laptop? Are you running an anti virus software? If it's McAfee or Norton i'd personally remove it and put AVG on it as there's less bloatware to it which will slow you down. Download the program called "ccleaner" (it's free -
) and run that deleting all caches etc. Will clear it up a lot! How are the speeds of your internet when using your iPhone?

It would also help to know what operating system you're running? As I can guide you from there to stop things loading on startup which you dont need running all the time!
Cheers buddy.
I'm running Windows 8 due to Windows 10 not working on my laptop, and it's an old Dual Core model. I'm just reading the sticker next to the mousepad!
It's got McAfee whatever that is, but I'll download that one you've just suggested... I've heard of it before actually!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
If I were you i'd firstly download CCleaner and run the relevant things (follow this guide if you need to but it's fairly easy to do!
As you're running W8, if you right click the taskbar at the bottom and open up your task manager then go to "startup" along the tabs you can start disabling things that dont need to be there (like for example sims or itunes etc... just dont disable important things!) Then if these dont work I'd download AVG free and remove McAfee. Here's a guide for removing McAfee -

Let me know how you get on. A restart after doing these things would be best.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
If I were you i'd firstly download CCleaner and run the relevant things (follow this guide if you need to but it's fairly easy to do!
As you're running W8, if you right click the taskbar at the bottom and open up your task manager then go to "startup" along the tabs you can start disabling things that dont need to be there (like for example sims or itunes etc... just dont disable important things!) Then if these dont work I'd download AVG free and remove McAfee. Here's a guide for removing McAfee -

Let me know how you get on. A restart after doing these things would be best.
Cheers dude, that very helpful. I've just downloaded CCleaner (free) and run the program. I'll remove McAfee shortly!

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Also, go to add/remove programs and get rid of what you don't use.
Always gets spammed full of crap if you install stuff that automatically installs other rubbish in the background.
Like "ask toolbar" for instance.
Who uses that shite?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
You can actually go to add/remove on CCleaner which is pretty useful as you're often able to remove multiple programs at once. Not always but with some programs! If you havn't already, right click on your battery charging icon and maybe it should say "power options" select this, then select "high performance" should run quicker but the laptop will also die quicker but its not noticeable!

If all this fails you could always do a complete wipe of your whole computer (backing up everything first onto a harddrive) then reset it to factory and format etc. Will be quick then! But that's drastic action :)

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Sounds silly but how do I know what programs I use and which I don't? Surely it's easy to delete something that cripples your laptop??


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Not silly at all! post a picture of the list if you want? Or pm me it and i'll tell you what you can disable.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I'll have a read through them and just delete obvious ones like 'games' etc and see how I get on. Thanks again!


ClioSport Moderator
AVG is packed full of bloatware too. Get malwarebytes or if you can speak Spanish then get NOD32.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
But a lot less than mcafee and malware bytes doesn't always scan you have to manually do it, it's not protection all the time unless you pay.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Okay so my laptop is still really slow, so I did a speed test using the Ookla site...

Download Speed - 6.56
Upload Speed - 2.45

I'm guessing this isn't great? What can I do? It never used to suck like it does at the moment!
  MkII PhaseII 172
Whilst not great, it is better (DL) than the UK average. What are the specs of the machine? RAM and Storage? If you're close to full on storage you'll notice a significant slow down.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Okay so my laptop is still really slow, so I did a speed test using the Ookla site...

Download Speed - 6.56
Upload Speed - 2.45

I'm guessing this isn't great? What can I do? It never used to suck like it does at the moment!

Same speeds on the same website on your phone / tablet / someone elses laptop ?

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Whilst not great, it is better (DL) than the UK average. What are the specs of the machine? RAM and Storage? If you're close to full on storage you'll notice a significant slow down.
Not sure what the difference is between RAM and storage but I've got 1TB which should be plenty?
  MkII PhaseII 172
RAM is used to store applications and data as they are used by the computer, it is temporary storage, where your 1TB is permanent storage. Safe to assume you're using Windows? If so, which version? Anything > than 8, then I'd remove any 3rd party security software as Defender by Microsoft is more than adequate (Also the only Windows product I'll ever recommend).

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Same speeds on the same website on your phone / tablet / someone elses laptop ?
In the lounge next to the router my iPhone gave these results...

Download Speed - 29.19
Upload Speed - 5.97

Loads better, so is my laptop too far away from the router?

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
RAM is used to store applications and data as they are used by the computer, it is temporary storage, where your 1TB is permanent storage. Safe to assume you're using Windows? If so, which version? Anything > than 8, then I'd remove any 3rd party security software as Defender by Microsoft is more than adequate (Also the only Windows product I'll ever recommend).
Windows 8... I tried Windows 10 but it didn't work on my laptop.
  Sell me your 197
Windows 10 will work on your laptop. I have it running on dual core Pentium machines.

Agree 5000% on the f**k everything bar MSE/Defender off.

Got a model number for the laptop?

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Windows 10 will work on your laptop. I have it running on dual core Pentium machines.

Agree 5000% on the f**k everything bar MSE/Defender off.
It runs yes, but it disables my mousepad. I googled for a solution but even ASUS themselves recommended I went back to Windows 8.
  MkII PhaseII 172
Windows 10 still has iffy trackpad and ethernet drivers on some Motherboards with Win10. Run a speed test with the laptop next to the router too, better results?
  Sell me your 197
$10 says it's paging due to no RAM

There'll be a fix for the trackpad, always is. Win10 flies compared to 8. It is at least 8.1?

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I'm officially confused lol. I can download Windows 10 but I know the mousepad/trackpad won't work. As said I emailed ASUS and they said to revert back to Windows 8.

What else can I do?
  MkII PhaseII 172
I'm officially confused lol. I can download Windows 10 but I know the mousepad/trackpad won't work. As said I emailed ASUS and they said to revert back to Windows 8.

What else can I do?
Paging is where your RAM gets filled up so it moves part of stuff it is working with on to your HDD which is much slower than RAM. I'd avoid 10 if you know there are issues with it. When it is running slow, check the performance tab in task manager and see if your RAM is full or CPU usage is high.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
ffs right some simple advice.

Open list of programs from the control panel and uninstall anything that looks/sounds dodgy. Eg ask jeeves toolbar etc. (just search control panel if you can't find it)
Uninstall any antivirus software and let windows defender take over (this comes already installed, it might ask you to turn it on, just click yes)
Download/Install and run Malware bytes (free version), And as above CCleaner and run that.

Chances are the above won't fix the problem, I dealt with 100s like this when I worked in Curry's.
Best bet is to put any files you want to keep on a usb and reset the laptop.
Resetting will delete everything on the laptop so make sure you have key codes for programs, office etc.
Its a bit of a ball ache to do but I found with the cheaper laptops this needed doing every 2 years or so, they are a false economy unfortunately.
