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Some Simple Web Site Help

Who'd you buy it from?

There should be an option in the control panel to allow domain forwarding/redirecting. Last resort would be to add a .html file to the domain, and add a auto-refresh to the new URL (but I wouldn't do this).

E.g. 123-reg will give you this feature, must do afaik.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
found the option and sorted cheers.

so when forwarding how does that work with google and SEO?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
ok so forwarding isnt the best option.

ill have to do some more google searching
For the index.html file on laseradvertising just set up at URL redirect like so:

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=">

(This needs to go between the head tags on your HTML page)

You can still keep the contents of the website on the page for SEO optimisation, however the end user will never see it as the re-direct will happen before the content is loaded. Spiders will only ever see it.
  LY 182
So you purchased the new site which you want to generate web traffic to go through to your current site?

If it's just a straight redirect then that won't work.
  LY 182
Actually what I said isn't 100% correct. As Jon correctly said you can still optimise a website for the search engine spiders. However this is usually done when you are using sneaky tactics / content and you don't want the human user to see what you're doing.

You're better off just focusing on the main site and optimising that.
Actually what I said isn't 100% correct. As Jon correctly said you can still optimise a website for the search engine spiders. However this is usually done when you are using sneaky tactics / content and you don't want the human user to see what you're doing.

You're better off just focusing on the main site and optimising that.

This. Sneaky tactics are so dated and the spiders are that clever they probably wont pick it up anyway.

You'll probably get a bit more traffic having two domains, but you'd probably of been better spending you money on a good SEO developer.
Think you need to clarify the intention for buying the domain in the first place. Did you buy it for SEO purposes, or do you just not want to harm your SEO on your current website?
  LY 182
When I tried it my google ranking went DOWN for specific keywords. :/

I wouldn't recommend anything 'sneaky' to be done with a serious web property. However, for shorter term / ROI based stuff you can still give Google a right seeing to.

Think you need to clarify the intention for buying the domain in the first place. Did you buy it for SEO purposes, or do you just not want to harm your SEO on your current website?

