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sound deadening

yes i know there have been lots of threads about this so dont moan you lot :)

just bought a load off ebay since i am sick of the road noise

but i wasnt sure what to fit it to in my doors?? the plastic door cards or the actual metal of the door itself??

the boot i know about since i have seen lots and lots of pictures :)

any help/pictures/guides/jokes to cheer up a sh1t thurs afternoon in labs are welcome

btw the car is being done tomorrow nite and im taking everything out of the back for the run :)

lol :) i will be having no rear seats and a pro speed as of easter and i struggle to hear people as it is on the headset lol

also i want some better quality sound from the speakers with out the bass line rattling everything (and no i dont have a massive sound system with massive bass, but still get loads of shake!)

