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Spacers - Disadvantages?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
I've been looking at pictures of 172's on standard alloys and I've got to admit it does look bloody good!

But I always thought there were repercussions with running spacers? firstly bearings spring to mind but what other issues can come of it? for me the thought of running something inbetween the hub and the wheel is a little scary!
as long as you buy hubcentrics then the spacer grips the centre-bore and the wheel grips the bore on the spacer so it's all fine. Some use long wheel studs some use another set of studs to bolt the spacer to the hub before fitting the wheel

Looking at it from a mechanical point of view, I would expect marginally short bearing service life with larger spacers.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
that was my thinking - obviously the more extreme you go the quicker they will fail.
They also lower the spring rate slightly (at least on the front, not so much the rear as it's trailing), but probably not a big issue unless you start fitting 20mm+ spacers.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
Slightly more torque steer I've been told? As said, only use hubcentric spacers (perfectly safe, Porsche use them IIRC) as they keep the load off the bolts.
  Clio RS 172 /Trafic
The extra strain on wheel bearings will shorten the life of them. Depends how wide the spacers are.
  Clio MK 4
i had 10mm spacers on my corsa (got longer bolts) and found the car vibrated a bit more. But i was on fk collies aswell
They'll also affect the geometry by shifting the streering centre away from the kingpin/contact intersection point . Whether or not this causes increased wear or any other side effects, I couldn't say. It may explain the increased torque steer that warren mentions.
