So I got some Spax 40mm lowering springs as a birthday present, should be fitting them soon but does anyone know how good they are and how much they cost? Just curious like
Its a Mk1 tho so isnt quite as tractor like as yoursQuote: Originally posted by fUbAr on 10 May 2004
dunno mate but make sure u get some piccys up ASAP... im wanting to drop my car in the next few weeks.
how rude! next time u need a tractor dont come running to meQuote: Originally posted by number2301 on 10 May 2004
Its a Mk1 tho so isnt quite as tractor like as yours
I dunno you aint seen mine yet, mine looks more like a tractor than fubarsQuote: Originally posted by number2301 on 10 May 2004
Its a Mk1 tho so isnt quite as tractor like as yoursQuote: Originally posted by fUbAr on 10 May 2004
dunno mate but make sure u get some piccys up ASAP... im wanting to drop my car in the next few weeks.
Might take me a while to get it done, Im a busy man!
Cheers all