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Speaker adaptors

  Chocolate Bar™

ive never bothered soldering before, have just krimped them. but i always thought that was a bodge way of doing it, even though i never had any problems.

Ive used those adaptors and theyre fine for the front or rear. Crimping them is a waste of time and effort when these do it in seconds.

strip wire - 10 seconds, pick up connector - 5 seconds, krimp - 5 seconds = 20 seconds to krimp a connection

find the website - 5 minutes, order the one you want - 1 minute, wait for the post - 24 hours?, plug it in - 5 seconds = 24 hours, 6 minutes, 5 seconds to do it with them :oops:

the main reason i use krimping a lot, is that its easy to find bad connections, with a connector block you sometimes get a lot of dodgy connections and have to wiggle a bunch of wires before the car will start :D (not normally many faults on stereo ones though so id probably use the clip)
