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Speed Bumps :-(

Anyone know if theres a legal max height a speed bump can be? sad i know but i keep moaning to my uni coz i cant get my car into the car park over the bumps and there reply is it aint our problem!

Cheers, Baz


  Audi TT Stronic

I too am very interested in this because if I can I will be writing to my local counsil demanding the removal of about 3 speedbumps.

Someone mention that the couldnt be any higher than the kerb but I dont know that this is true ? and how high is a kerb meant to be anyway ?
  silver valver/hybrid

ive heard that on the road 7cm is the max hight and apparently 90% of Walsalls (where i live) speed humps are over this and are illegal! Dont know about private property though,they might be able to differ as its not a public road.

someones has to know, is there a max legal height for public highways, and if there is, is it the same for private property that the public use e.g car parks etc.????

so 100mm on round top humps, good searching EightBall! Off i go to measure the lowest hanging part of my car!!

Damm my cat and mid section only sits 80mm off the ground, looks like im still parking on the verge outside!
  silver valver/hybrid

there is a street in Lowhill, wolverhampton called fifth avenue and i swear the speedhumps are at least 8 inches high! Its one of those streets where you have to drive in the middle of the road to avoid all the glass etc in the gutter.
