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Speed wipe, spray wax sealant

  Clio 182
I have been out of the detailing game for a few years now.

I used to use a spray which you spray on the car whilst drying it and it give a added shine and topped up the wax. I cant remember what it was called.

What do people use and recomend now??
  172 cup clio v6 st
m8 theres loads your spoilt for choice have a look on polished bliss uk free delivery m8 top products


ClioSport Admin
Auto Finesse tough coat is a good place to start in my opinion.

However some of the experts will probably give you some better ideas.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Toughcoat won't really work all that well on a wet car as it really needs to cure before removing.

Most quick detailing sprays can be used on a wet car to help water spotting and drying. Used on a dry car a quick detailer will add more gloss. Used on a wet car it does dilute it down so not quite as effective. Some spray sealants can also be used in this way like carpro reload or gtechniq C2 but these will add more protection than as much gloss as a quick detailer

Britemax spraymax is pretty good in this way and is pretty cheap.
The simple answer here is Hydr02, surely. It's not a detailing spray, but it does what you've asked without having to buff. Spray on, jet wash off, @Daniel can tell you more.
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Ive just ordered polish angel connoisseur rapidwaxx. Ill report back on what its like but so far sonax xtreme BSD is the best when it comes to protection from a QD
  E46 M3 & UR Quattro
For spray-on protection from a wet car my choice would be either Carpro Hydr02 or Gyeon Wetcoat.

For a QD with protection, Sonax BSD or Britemax Spray and Shine.

It really depends what you are after.
