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Standard dials to nice dials

  E39 530i
Im sure someone has jazzed up their standard dials within their 172 will different colour lights. If so, can I see some pictures as I would like to do this. also if anyone knows of any companies which do the conversation that would be good.
  Clio 172mk2
lockwood sell em , theres also a company which makes em out of metal . as for fitting lockwood may recomend some one but its pritty straight forward
  Mégane RS
hes not after white dials as he already has a 172

Think he wants to change the display colour
  "Navy" N17 TWO
is the display still clear after fitting the blue LEDs ?

can a 172 be fitted with the dials from an 04 dynamique ?
  Mégane RS
display will be fine, dials from a dynamique wont fit i dont think as the RS's got to 8000rpm
  Mégane RS
