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Standard Headunit

  Clio 1.4
At the moment i have the standard renault headunit , i have my speakers and sub all ready to go just one problem, i have the remote terminal in the headunit but i have to beefy wires one red one white that dont seem to fit in the back of the Head unit.

Im told i will need a adapter to connect it all up.

I will buy a new H/U soon but for now just want the sub to work
any help

Tigger i need you!
  Clio 1.4
Yeah i got 2 amps !

Alpine MRV-T320

Alpine MRP-T222

just i think as you said the RCA leads can i get a adapter?
  Clio Mk1
like these red and white ones??
without the jack plug
  Breaking A 172 Replica
I have a pioneer headunit for sale matey.

DEH- 6600 mp.

I want a standard head unit.

PM if interested in a PX.

  Clio 1.4
no sorry i just remember they aint that shaped they are red and white but with points insted not in bits
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
^^^ As he said.

Both of your amps have speaker level inputs tho, meaning you can connect your amp to your headunit using the speaker outputs on your HU. Use your front output to one amp and rear outputs to second amp and should work.

You may also be able to connect both amps together using RCA output (from the amp connected to HU) to the RCA input on your second amp.
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Needs to have a HU with RCA outputs first ;)

The 1st method mean you don't need to use RCA.

HU front speaker output > amp 1 speaker input
HU rear speaker ouput > amp 2 speaker input

or if one amp has RCA output

HU front/rear speaker output > amp 1 speaker input
amp 1 RCA output > amp 2 RCA input

So you dont need to have an HU with RCA output.....but would be a lot easier!
