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standard headunit

ive just go rid of my sound system in my clio and i wanted to put back the orginal clio cd player in but the tweeters need an adaptor to be connected into the back of the unit. what sort of money am i looking at for pro to do this for me? and how much do renault charge the code for the head unit because i put the wrong code in.

You have to put the wrong code in a few time (3 I think from memory) before it locks up.

Im a bit stuck what your issue is. Your swopping back to the stock setup and the wires for the tweeters cables arnt there to plug in?

Renault should print the code on the inside page of the service book otherwise priced depends they may do it for free or might charge a few quid.

the tweeter cables are there but oviously cant fit into the back of the renault headunit because there are only plug connections
