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very sorry but NTL (my isp) are doing some work and it means i cant upload to my web space. I will send brun the clip i have as he has a fast connection
only recd me vs adi 3mb clip so far, I will forward them all on to Brun as i can send emails pretty fast. I Will also keep trying to access my web space
vtrman, the vts did great against the 172, were sperated by 1.5 car length by 90 ish, bear in mind this is the fastest except 1 172 about with 152bhp@ the wheels, against some others it may be a different story
Wish I could have been there but with my bald tyres I am getting massive wheel spin in 2nd no good for racing They should arive on Monday so i will be up for it next time. Any plans for a re-run?