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stuck inbetween dealers- help! (long)

  none, just walk
im stuck inbetween a fight between dealers!
basically i seen a 172 cup the other day i wanted it but it was sold- so i changed my mind to a 172 in silver, got a call off the dealer i seen the cup at saying they were getting one in next friday would i be interested?- i said i dunno ill think about it and get back to them- then went to the other renault garage- same company just different location and they had one in there- so i phoned them today to enquire about it miles etc and i said id been offered a payment plan from the other garage and could they match/ better it? they called back with a better offer- the same payment plan but about a tenner cheaper a month,

now i here i must state the difference between the two cars, the are identically looking, the one from the first garage was a 02 plate with 30k on the clock and the one from the second was a 52 with just under 30k on the clock so its nothing to do with one looks better than the other or anything, anyway when garage two called they told me the offer and i went ahead with it cos it had the 6 months tax and £20 petrol and i could have it on wed instead of the friday like the other garage offered- so gave my card details and he took the £100 deposit, bang deal done- all that was left for me to do was to call the first garage and see if they could better it and if not all was fine cos i was getting my clio on wed! but oh no i called up first garage and told them i wasnt go ahead with them cos the deal i got was better than there and he goes what would you want to get the car from him? (basically the commisson was controlling him now) so i said i wanted a years tax and a FULL tank of petrol? DONE he says!but what about the £100 deposit ive paid i said? oh we will pay you £100 to cover that- he then goes all you need to do is call the second garage and cancel that then call him back- so i get a voice message off garage 2 going - thanks for paying your deposit we will meet on monday morning and sort everything out?!

at this very moment in time i have not done a thing cos my head is in bits- they are basicaly fighting over me for commisson and cos the second garage has my deposit my mam went over the garage to look at it and said it has a sold sign on it with my name on the buyer list? im not too worried about this cos i wont lose my £100 if drop out

to cut a long story short i really need some help!
what should i state i want cos on monday morning im just going to go down and say whats the best you can give me and visa a versa i know nothing about buying a newish car from a dealer- ive been advised to not bother with the warranty cos its a waste of money?
Personally I would go for the slightly newer one.

However you might like to ask for something like the 36k service thrown in (when it gets to 36k of course!) or some kind of discount voucher for the service as I believe they are quite expensive.

Other than that, look at things like tyre wear and brake pads / discs and see which one will need doing first and/or ask for new tyres / discs / pads maybe if they will need doing soon.
  V6 255, 172's, JCW,
Yup.. would go for the newer one too.. and consider all the things that Rob gas detailed above. ^^^^^^ Plus the newer one has fewer miles on it..

Good choice either way.. was driving one earlier today!
Personally I'd decide if I wanted a Cup or a FF, as surely thats the biggest decision you need to make here? Although they may seem identical at the moment, when it gets to day to day driving you will sure as hell know pretty quickly if you've made the right choice. The £3k when new difference has suprisingly not become a big issue these days, they seem to have all levelled out at around the same area.

Some swear by the Cup and love its complete lack of extras (like myself), some however swear by the FF and couldn't live without Air Con at the very least. Thats the real choice you need to make, you need to ask yourself what you would still choose on a 30c August day, or a -5c January morning.
Toss a coin, those extras they are offering are not exactly huge discounts are they...
  none, just walk
right so im going to go for asking for the lowest monthly payments,a years tax, a full tank of fuel and the 36k service free or at least vouchers towards it!

so is there anything else i could try and get from them?

also should i bother which the warranty? it 2years and i am paying for it but the bloke said its false economy if i get rid of it? is it worth it?
