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Sub Keeps Cutting Out

  1.6 16v
Hi all,

My sub cuts out when i turn my music up and i cant figure out y its doing it. I think its to protect my sub but y whats causeing it to need protecting. lol

Can anyone help?

600 watts RMS? You need to check the model number of the sub or find out if it's single or dual voicecoil, and what Ohms it's supposed to run at. (2 Ohm, 4 Ohm?)

If it's a 2 Ohm sub and it's showing the amp 2 Ohms, it will kill the amp if it's only supposed to run at 4 Ohms!
  1.6 16v
Sub Spec:

Amp Spec:

2 x 300 watt / 1 x 600 watt
FREQ RESPONCE = 10 hz - 40 khz
So you've bridged both channels of the amp to the sub, to show at 1 x 600?

If so, will both will be running at 4ohm? Think they will be...

Starting to get confused myself now... lol :p
  1.6 16v
lol i dont understand it mate. they are both bridged yeah,

its when i turn it loud it just cuts the sub out and i have to turn my headunit off and on again and everythings ok then untill i turn it back up lol

thanks for ur help mate

anyone else know?
Post up the full specs of them both if you can!

The amp might not like being bridged at 4-ohm (if it's a single 4-ohm voicecoil sub) or it might not like being bridged at 2-ohm (if it's a dual 4-ohm voicecoil sub).

If it's being overworked then it might be the heat that is killing it, though it sounds more like issues with the power...

Might be worth asking on!
  Polo + Micra
could be a few things

my guess would be that the amp is clipping and going into protect to save your sub
  1.6 16v
the earth is fine mate i am sure of that , i might try not bridging it and see if it still does it, what do u think??
  Megane Mk4
your running a "bridged" 600Watt into 300? ... the 1200 bit is only a maximum but most manufacturers recommmend you dont go over the RMS for long periods of time.
Does sound like the amp might be overheating. How have you placed it in your motor? if its on carpet its a no-no, that stuff keeps it warmer than it should be and if your running the amp at more than peak output not only arent you giving it enough time to cool but it'll be getting too warm and the cut-off will be kicking in. Same can be said for your headunit though, run it for long periods of time on high volume and that can get warm, Clios aint too good for Head units as they sit in front of the front heater feed and that space gets warm quick too.

If it's not that then the other problem may be wiring, there might not be enough Ampage through the wiring for your amp. Check it out and see what happens.
  1.6 16v
cheers, i will see if its over heating and try and get some more cool air into it. if thats what the amp does if its overheating well, it might be because its in a sealed box sort of thing with a fan into it.

the only problem with the amp over heating thing i didnt think that it would build that much heat up like 2 seconds after i turn it on.
  Polo + Micra
it wont that's why i reckon it's clipping and going into proctect to save your sub
  Polo + Micra
having your gain set too high and the amp trying to output too high a voltage and can't
  1.6 16v
I am more sure its overheating now because today i tryed to make the sub cut out stright away but it would not. and after about 15 mins of playing sold quite loud it did cut out. so i think it must be over heating. I will try and fix the problem 2moz lol

cheers for all the help and advice and i will let you know how it goes.
  1.6 16v
Rite 2day i have made changes and allowed the hot air to get out from the amp.
i will drive it 2moz and find out if its worked or not. LETS HOPE IT DOES because i am getting pissed off with it now and the battery keeps going flat when i dont drive it 4 a couple of days.

HELP???? lol
