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sub's in, box not quite finished

  E87 118i
can't make up my mind still how I want to finish it, couldn't find a fake suede in the right colour, then I couldn't find the right vinyl, might still paint it but don't have the cash right now and most of the panel shops are closing fro holidays now.


  Monaro VXR
What colour do you want it could just cover it in a similar carpet material to whats already in the boot which can be had for next to nothing.
  Clio 182
I'm in the diy mood, but can't find anywhere that sells those little fibreglass for beginners kits anymore.
  E87 118i
sealed, I've been fiddling with the gain and x-over a bit and haven't got it sounding quite right yet, it was sounding a little "boomy" on some r'nb stuff.

any tips
  Bmw M4 & Clio 16v
have you packed the inside of the box with wadding? I would do this as it restricts the air to the subs and then tightens the bass up. you should also change the frequency on the x over to below 80mhz and then start with the headunit on 0 for bass. then turn gain to minimium. you can then turn it up slightly to achieve the desired sound.
  E87 118i
ok, wadding in and vinyled up....looks good I think. will post a pic tonight.

covering it was hard work tho......but the vinyl was cheap...20 bucks...about 1.80 pounds.
  Civic Type -R FN2
how do u make these custom boxes? i have a 15" and it takes up so much space i cant really do anything with it because the size of the box is to big to get looking good, ive done an awful effort at the moment, it get a pic of it, see if anyone could give me any ideas....

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  Civic Type -R FN2
ah nice mate, nice wish i was talented enough to do something with mine :< anyone give me any pointers? other than give up :p

looks really nice u got an amp for that?
