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Subwoofer Help!

  Renault Clio 1.2
I have a Pioneer DEH-5700MP head unit, a Kicker L7 Solobaric 10" sub, powered by a Legacy amp and capacitor. The problem is the amp is getting power but the subwoofer isn't producing any sound. I have had it installed for a while and it worked great when it was first put in, then I started getting this ticking sound when the volume was turned down, and when the volume was up there was hardly any bass at all. I had a read on the internet and thought the ticking might have been down to alternator noise. The ticking sound only happened occasionally but now the sub has just stopped working all together.

Can anybody help because it's doing my head in. If you need any more information then ask away and I'll try and answer.
  Polo + Micra
ticking isn't from the alt, that would be a wirring noise with engine speed.

i'd have a check make sure your phono's are plugged properly into the hu.

if it's all ok then check the settings on the amp.

if all else fails ditch the amp and cap and get a new amp


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
could be anything. just a case of trial and error to eliminate whats broke and whats not. could just be a faulty sub and the coils have eventually gone, ive had that once or twice. very frustrating.
  Renault Clio 1.2
Thanks for the suggestions

I'm working tonight so if the weathers alright I'll work back from the head unit and check all the wiring. I'll take the sub out and make sure everythings alright with the coils aswell.
  Rb 182
Move your earth, or clean up the metal for the earth.

Also the RCA's/phono leads maybe be fecked so id suggest getting a spare set and trying them

Also check that the sub isnt blown, try it in a mates car if you can.
  clio 16v
I had this problem a few months ago - turned out to be a knackered sub.
If the amps getting power and the sub cables are secure it's more than likely gona be the sub. To find out for sure your gonna have to hook the sub up to a mates amp and see if it works or hook a sub that you know works to your amp.
  clio 16v
also remove the sub from its box and check the wiring to the terminals in the back of the box are not loose.
