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Sunroof - mk2 ph1 or ph2

  Clio 197
I'm getting fed up with the manual sunroof, becuase of the tapping noise! I replace it 3 time now and still making a noise:dapprove:

I thinking getting a electric sunroof & do they make a noise too??

Any one on here got a electric sunroof?


  2004 Clio 182
Hi Clio G-B, ive the an elec sunroof on my 2002 Dynamique (i think that makes it a mk2 ph2?) I dont exactly know what you mean by the tapping noise is this when it is open or closed?

anyway i guess the fact that i dont know what the noise is kinda answers your question as my sunroof has never made any noise closed or open, tho i have not tried it open at high speeds as ive only had the car a week.

The only thing that i thought was going to slightly annoy my about my sunroon before i bought it was that rather than having a solid gray material/plastic slide over cover for when it is closed it just has a black material mesh that goes onto a roller then open. I thought it was going to let to much light through and catch my eye when driveing but i have not once noticed it.
  Monaco Blue Mk2
Giles, mine does the same. I think most of them do. I've noticed if you push the handle while it's knocking it stops. When my exams are finished (after tomorrow!) I've got loads of stuff planned for my car which I'll be doing over the summer, I'll be having a look at the sunroof. I'll probably try greasing it. Tightening everything etc etc. I'll let you know if I have any joy.
  BMW M135i
Hmm, my old 1.2 never rattled or made a sound yet this 1.6 makes a right little racket though I don't notice it anymore.
It appears its had some petrol pipe put round one of the bars on the handle (difficult to explain) to make it pinch better when its closed to stop the noise but it doesn't, might warrenty job it along with my squeeling breaks and see if it helps.
  Polo + Micra
my electric one is fine closed but it sounds as though it's going to fall out once it's open
Giles I'll take you out in mine that will stop you complaing about yours and mines been rebuilt a few times.
  RS Megane DCi 175
You need to get some grease on the hinges Giles.
There is a guide knocking about somewhere - I think fubar did one.

But anyway - the main bits...
I'm not sure what the ph1 sunroof is like but the ph2 lifts out once the clasp handle is undone. You'll see a small horizontal bar inside - the idea is to put a small plastic sleeve around this (like hosing but much much smaller) and it makes the sunroof clamp closed that bit tighter. The 'hosing' isn't seen either.
Next thing is to slap lots of grease on the hinges towards the front of the car - it's this bit that rattles (at least it did in mine). Be carefull putting the sunroof back in as you don't want to get grease on the interior cloth etc.
Once it's in - it'll be rattle free - I got mine replaced after 2years and the replacement started to rattle until I did this. The car is now lowered and it still doesn't rattle when closed/open whatever!
Certainly cheaper than an electric one!
  BMW M135i
MattT said:
You need to get some grease on the hinges Giles.
There is a guide knocking about somewhere - I think fubar did one.

But anyway - the main bits...
I'm not sure what the ph1 sunroof is like but the ph2 lifts out once the clasp handle is undone. You'll see a small horizontal bar inside - the idea is to put a small plastic sleeve around this (like hosing but much much smaller) and it makes the sunroof clamp closed that bit tighter. The 'hosing' isn't seen either.
Next thing is to slap lots of grease on the hinges towards the front of the car - it's this bit that rattles (at least it did in mine). Be carefull putting the sunroof back in as you don't want to get grease on the interior cloth etc.
Once it's in - it'll be rattle free - I got mine replaced after 2years and the replacement started to rattle until I did this. The car is now lowered and it still doesn't rattle when closed/open whatever!
Certainly cheaper than an electric one!

Thats what I meant by the pipe, I only noticed it when I was filling up and had the sunroof open. May try the grease to see if it stops it.
  RS Meg 175
i have this problem, it sounds like the aerial hitting the sunroof but it isnt, driving me nuts, is this what you mean>?
  Lots of Alfas
Giles, take the sunroof out and wrap some electrical tape around the front metal forks, not too much else it wont fit back in. Then slide the roof back onto the car and that should stop the tapping, Ive thought about fitting an electric sunroof, its do-able but when I looked into it theres a lot of hassle with the roof and motor.
  Octavia VRS
what's ahppening about the 172 Giles sir? - I even left the table so that you could 'do a deal' on one of the ph-quicks up for sale ;) lol
  Octavia VRS
Cup for me next year mate, was tempted by an early ph-quick for the time being but have left it!
