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superchip or not superchip

i am thinking about superchipping my 172 mk1 but dont know whether to or not heard some good things but also heard some bad things dont know what to do, i just got a viper and magnex zorst on at the mo.

what shall i do, i want a bit more power?

imo you will have to chip it if you have the viper on, my cars runs like sh1t with it on.

chris172 and roamer have there cars chiped and are happy 185 bhp i think.

I have taken the viper off until i can afford to chip it.

the bad thing is your car could be running lean with the viper on and reck ya engine, hence the remap
  320d M Sport

its weird innit all this when u stick an Ind kit on and it runs sh*te? Do most motors have the same prob then, as for many cars ind kit is first thing they do?
  RB5 & 172

since i put a magnex (cat back) on my car it seems to have less power. it used to come on song at 5k and then take off, however now when it gets to 5k it still goes well but does not seem to have the push it used to.

its either down to the tourque picking up earlier and not the sudden rush at 5k, or its lost power??

anyone else with a magnex noticed this, would a re-map, chip sort it out?

Well my friend Simon172 fitted a Clio Cup ECU he bought off a guy who prepares Clios for Fortec Motorsport, and it did make it a bit quicker cos the rev limiter was higher but he only got 20mpg! I expect the Superchips one is slightly more refined but you have to ask yourself if its really worth it if you drive the car everyday.

get a uni chip then it can be re-done when you buy new mods. Dont like superchips myself, but that just my personal opinion
  320d M Sport

thats the opinion of John Nobles where we had our RR today as well, but then they do cos £500 and 3 hours to set up.....
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

the viper kit uses velocity air force to get cold air direct into the engine how does this make it run lean then?

the viper kit uses velocity air force to get cold air direct into the engine how does this make it run lean then?

because the ecu cannot map enough fuel in to match the air.

Quote: Originally posted by haitch on 12 April 2003

the viper kit uses velocity air force to get cold air direct into the engine how does this make it run lean then?
huh? hows it do that.....i always though the big fat duct hooked up to the front of teh car did that..
  EK9 + Mfactory gearing..

excuse my lack of knowledge...hey, i only quoted the ad in demontweeks catalogue! :oops:

cheers ben my friend had his st24 done but cant remember where i was not round here

this might be the better option but a bit dearer:)
