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Switching back to French!

Ok, so my first car was a 1.5dci clio which i thought was alright. Good mileage etc.
Got a go in a ITB 172 + cams + high compression etc and loved it. Then got myself a Toyota Glanza V which was running about 180bhp(it WAS 133bhp when i got it), absolutely loved it but a few months ago someone didn't look when pulling out onto a dual carriageway and put me in hospital. Going from 70mph to 0 isn't good for your insides.

I'm in Afghanistan just now and i've got 2 months left so i'm trying to decide what car to get when i get back. Looks like a Clio 172/182 on ITBs, but i'd love to get a black 182 even if it's standard just so i can have the joy of tuning it myself and seeing the gains as i progress.
  Stripped yozza'd cup
Much more fun to get a standard car and do it yourself mate, but also a whole lot more expensive!
Why have you chosen the itb route instead of forced induction? Just out of interest....

Black is a good choice, especially if it's quick. Stealth ftw.
