Had no involvement with 12, but ive been working on 11.4, 11.5, 11.6 and now 11.7
I'll be honest with, i hate it compared to McAfee. Trying to configure the estate to use Local GUPs instead of trying to saturation the network pulling from the Console is proving difficult.
Not to mention attmepting to find ANY information/report on which devices are pulling full.zip's as opposed to incremental definition updates
Problem is the clients infrastructure. We have the SEPM Console on a central server in Kent, and the estate is split over about 7 geographical offices in London. They used to previously all update happily from the Internet using LiveUpdate but as we increased coverage the bandwidth took a hammering and so they made the decision of switching to GUPs (one at each office) and to disable the LiveUpdate.
In theory this would work, but implementing it seems very hit and miss. I cant tell where a device is updating from (GUP or SEPM) and the only real solution to packet sniff EVERY device is a total joke. I would also like to see what devices are actually pulling accross the network (incremental updates or full definitions) but again, this isnt possible. Its things like this why i made the earlier statement about prefering McAfee.
Dont get me wrong its a good product, but it doesnt seem very user friendly and the SEPM console's whole "sort a page of devices A>Z, then go to page 2 and have to resort that page A>Z again" just stinks of amateur.
Lol sorry to have de-railed your topic with my rant
Anyway if you do go on a course let me know if its any good because ive found the information available through the community forums and their support to be less than amazing so i would love the opertunity to get a good source of information on the course.