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T-Mobile [spam]

Has anyone else on T-mobile been getting lots of spam calls recently? I've been getting calls from at least 3 different numbers. I've researched them and they appear to be calls from firms that were sold a s**t load of T-mobile numbers in 2007. I get at least 2 calls a day from each number. I never answer and they never leave a message.

The problem is, they're not getting the message. Relentless calls every single week day. Day in, day out. This has been going on since January, and they won't give up. I'm reading that when answered, it takes a while for anyone to speak, so I'm guessing the calls are auto generated by a computer system, and an operator is alerted if someone actually answers.

What would you do? T-mobile will be of no use at all (they're retarded). I guess I could answer and throw some f**ks into the operator, but that's not fair on someone just doing their job. Switch to o2 now FTW?

EDIT: I even had a text message the other day telling me I'm entitled to £5000 after my accident. What accident? Roffles.


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
I'm on Orange and was getting the same thing, so I set up a 'rejected numbers list' on my phone. Never get anything now. I am coming to the end of my contract though, and they were calling to get me to sign up to another 18 months. But I'll do it when I'm ready.
Well I finally gave in and answered. Put it on speaker phone and listened to him talking to himself without uttering a word back to him. Eventually he put the phone down. Now, F.UCK.

Awesome. I know no one is interested, but in the interests of thread completion for anyone who may search the topic;

Not one call today. So, if you find yourself getting spam calls day after day for months, it appears that they will continue until your number is 'crossed off' by you answering. Sorted :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
They kept calling me, whether I picked up and spoke to them/played music down the phone/shouted f**k off at them/rejected the call. Give it time...
They kept calling me, whether I picked up and spoke to them/played music down the phone/shouted f**k off at them/rejected the call. Give it time...

Hmmm ok. I'll not get too excited just yet then. I do know that this is the first day for months that they have not called me :)
