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Technical Grey V6

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  Clio V6
Thought it was time to post some pics of my new car. Some of you may know a bit about it already but for those who don't, here's a brief history:

It started life in 2004 as one of the 37 UK Titanium Silver Vees:


Unfortunately, a few years later it sustained fairly major front end damage resulting in Cat D status :(


Step forward Steve from, who spent 4 years, many hundred hours and a small fortune lovingly repairing her. The length of time spent on the rebuild provided the benefit of sourcing cheap parts on Ebay, £50 for a front wing anyone? Even so, the cost of the materials ended up around £6,000!


A large chunk of the budget went on respraying the whole shell with paint code D61, Gris Technique (Technical Grey). This was a rare colour offered by Renault and was only selected by a single owner in France, it's therefore one of only 2 in the whole world. Here's a photo shortly after the respray:


On first site, it looks like Iceburg Silver but this paint is pearlescent and can do some remarkable things in different light conditions, this pic taken by Steve at Brands Hatch hopefully demonstrates what I mean:


Steve also ditched the standard seats and steering wheel in favour of Recaros and a Momo wheel. The interior detailing was also sprayed in D61:


Earlier this year Steve succeeded in having the car removed from the Cat register, this happened following a strict series of tests by an approved inspector and is a testament to the incredible quality of his work (you can't pass this test with any only repair). On hearing the news I jumped in and purchased the car at a very reasonable price.

And here she is today (following a detail), 18,000 miles on the clock and hopefully ready for many years of happy motoring :)




Plans for the car are to partially retrim the seats in leather, find a clear engine cover and hopefully also an Orbisound exhaust.

Plenty more about this car on :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
Removed from the Cat register? What kind of tests are these?

Looks tidy though. Technical Grey is the thinking mans LY lol.
  Clio V6
Here's some info on the declassification:

The car will be taken off the Condition Alert Register but will have now a notice of "Condition inspected" when it is HPi'd in future.

This register was introduced in 1990 and gives details of 'written-off' vehicles that have subsequently passed an independent structural examination. The inspection will have been carried out in accordance with a specification agreed with the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre (Autolign etc). The seller may be able to provide an inspection report from one of the approved inspection companies. There may be a separate fee for this report. The HPI Check will identify which company carried out the inspection and the reference number of the report.



ClioSport Admin
Awesome... Although £6k on repairing a front ender :eek:

Looks top notch though. And I just thought you were weird putting technical grey down as your cars colour :eek:

I had no idea you can remove cars from the cat register either
  V6 255
Absolutely amazing. Another one that didn't know you could get CAT status removed.

Interestingly was there any other deep bronze cars made in Europe? Or is the single one here the most rare now?

EDIT - there's also only one moonlight here, any more abroad?
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  Clio V6
Thanks guys, didn't think it would get almost universal approval.

Greg - Yup SJ took the pics ;)

In answer to the question about production numbers, here is the info:



Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
f**k me, that looks brilliant. ATR Recaros?

The only thing that I would change is the steering wheel to a Sabelt one; really not a fan of the current one I'm afraid mate. But that!


ClioSport Moderator
The seats are a bad choice IMO. I know it's "sheep" but trophy recaro's and the sabelt wheel would make it perfect.

Oh and it's the best looking vee I've ever seen, ever. Amazing colour.
  Clio V6
The seats are a bad choice IMO. I know it's "sheep" but trophy recaro's and the sabelt wheel would make it perfect.

Oh and it's the best looking vee I've ever seen, ever. Amazing colour.

The seats have grown on me but do need some cosmetic work at the very least. I'm less endeared to the steering wheel...
  Italian 3.2 V6
Looks fantastic, I also didn't know you could De-Cat it ;) lol.

Love the fact it's in such a rare colour too :hail:


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Straight away my fav V6.

Agreed though needs better seats!
  TTRS & V50
Fantastic story and car.

I never knew you could remove a category registered car from the register, surely this must only be for category d's.


ClioSport Moderator
Without being harsh, those seats always make me think

"I really wanted recaro's, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money. I ended up with these w**k green ones because no one else wanted them, but they were a bargain!"
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