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Thanks to Taylor for pimpin my ride ;)

  Chocolate Bar™
mini stylee! Dont worry its not pemenant, just a replacement whilst the bodyshop respray my originals properly, but thought it looked quite cool :cool:


  Chocolate Bar™
steve740 said:
Dont go to your local cruise with that ffs!! Start a new trend off!

nah my cars too uncool, its got small white wheels :eek:

theres already a zetec s with red mirros and bumpstrips anyway so i'm too late :dapprove:
  Chocolate Bar™
thats the weird thing i think it looks quite cool, might keep em on for trax :cool:
  M2 Competition
I reckon it looks cool! How about doing em white, same colour as the wheels though...

That would look mint!
taylor u pimp rides so neat,
ur alloys are amazing and sweet,
peparami is barmy, i prefer salami,
and garf has size 15 feet
  Golf R/Leon FR
theres something weird about these post juanman and balding mole have both joined today and are posting up weird s**t!! and especially about me!!!
Hello, Carol? Its Alan. How are you? Me? Im having a fantastic time, yeah. Im having the best time since sliced bread. Hows Mr. Planet of the Apes man? Oh. Is he still driving that Renault CLIO? Yeah, can I just read you something from Top Gear magazine? No, its alright, Ive got it here, Ive got it here.With a mere ninety break-horse-power available, progress is too leisurely to be called fast, but on the motorway in fifth gear the CLIOS slow pace really becomes a pain. Uphill runs become power-sappingly mundane, while overtaking National Express coaches can become a long, drawn-out affair. Not my words, Carol. The words of Top Gear magazine.
  No more clio's for me!
juanman said:
taylor u pimp rides so neat,
ur alloys are amazing and sweet,
peparami is barmy, i prefer salami,
and garf has size 15 feet

pmsl ;)

Mark - I like it :) Better if they where blue tho....hang on, that gives me an idea ;)
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
juanman said:
taylor u pimp rides so neat,
ur alloys are amazing and sweet,
peparami is barmy, i prefer salami,
and garf has size 15 feet

1st post... yet knows what wheels are on my car :S lol

lmfao though!!!
  Chocolate Bar™
defo mini gp esque!

and maz, shes not ginger, shes strawberry blonde ;)

tax disc holder is half way up the window cos its stuck on with those crappy pads that dont work on the curved bit of the screen
  RB 200 Cup!
looks good imo

Plus never thought a carbon bonnet on a black car would look so good - might need one for mine now!
  Chocolate Bar™
take the plunge! i've never regretted putting one on mine, really looks nice in the sun. gets lots of chav attention too ;)
