'tard', probably.
Atleast people are being honest, nothing worse than someone saying "if you like it that's all that matters", what a cop-out.
What I find funny is that people expect me to look after a 11 year old banger like it's a baby; Caressing it gently every time I get in it or some bollox.
Underneath is sound and it's mechanically faultless (at the moment). I partly did it as an 'up yours' to whoever has been keying it. They clearly put alot of effort in to it (the way "a*shole" was written, I kind of felt bad attempting to touch it up) so thought I'd make them a bit shirty about it. I'd probably know why it'd been done if I knew who did it, but alas...
But feel free to take it seriously rather than a joke, which supposedly, is at my own expense. I wont lose any sleep over it.