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The clocks have gone back, time to shine! (Car polishers)

  182 FF
Yes its time to clay and polish my silver 182, i am not on here for advice on claying dont worry. I am looking for a car polisher to shine it up after the claying and sealing.

Does anyone know a good high quality polisher, prices and stockists too if you know any would be sweet. There is a black 182 driving round Oxfordshire that has been polished to perfection. I have a silver one and i want it to rival it. AHHHHHHHHH, i have a week off soon and i want to make it look sweet.

Oh also if you recommend a polisher can you recommend any products to use with it. I use Mcguires clay kits.

  Megane 225
Have you used a rotary before? If not may be worth getting a scrap panel to practice on! U will need decent polishes. Something like Menz Intensive and Final Finish. You need to refine the Menz Polish alot so allow yourself plenty of time. Don't rush or you'll end up with hologram city!

What colour is your car, and what budget to you have for polisher/polishes?
  182 FF
Its a silver 182. And i need sweet results , if i can get a rotary and polishes for under £100 that would be sweet. As you can probably guess i am an intermediate detailer, working my way up. I need almost a rotary starter kit.
