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The next iPad....


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry if it's covered somewhere but was kind of hoping a new iPad would have been announced when the iPhone 6 was.

I'm still using an iPad 2 and was hoping to upgrade soon, A lot of guys seem to get info early on these things so any idea when the next generation of iPad might come along?

Sorry if it's covered somewhere in this section.


ClioSport Club Member
Research fail.... Didnt realise it would be that soon or easy to find out.



ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
What do we think... minor or major upgrade? Minor will be Touch ID and major will be the long rumoured 'iPad Pro' I reckon. Seems too soon after iPhone 6 & Apple Watch for another major update though, especially as the Air only came out last year. I reckon they're going to wait and see if the iPhone 6 Plus eats into iPad Mini sales before releasing a Pro.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Touch ID and A8, slightly thinner and recessed volume buttons


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I'm still using the iPad 2 32GB WiFi from new and still going strong, wouldn't mind a new one like


  911 GTS Cab
Anybody buying a new iPad when they are announced on Thursday?

Will we see the ipad pro? Rumours of it running macos?


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
I tend to upgrade every other model so went from a 2 to an Air and at the moment I'm still happy with the Air


  BMW 440i
Anybody buying a new iPad when they are announced on Thursday?

Will we see the ipad pro? Rumours of it running macos?

I'll be picking one up as a present regardless of what it is as she needs a new one now. Can only be an improvement on an older one I suppose!

For myself I do like the sound of n iPad pro but not sure how much use I'd get out of it already having an iMac


  911 GTS Cab
my iPad is probably my most used gadget, so i can justify an upgrade each time, i think I've only missed 1 model.

will depend on whats announced really for me.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
I don't see a point upgrading from the air unless there are some significant changes.

The air is pretty much the perfect ipad.


ClioSport Admin
I don't see a point upgrading from the air unless there are some significant changes.

The air is pretty much the perfect ipad.

How is that? In comparison to the retina + lightening one? (4, is that?)

I'd quite like another one for the female but as with the iPhones, I don't see the point of annual upgrades.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
How is that? In comparison to the retina + lightening one? (4, is that?)

I'd quite like another one for the female but as with the iPhones, I don't see the point of annual upgrades.

Lighter, thinner, smaller bezel and the space grey has a lovely finish. It's flys and the battery life after 12 months is still awesome. Massive step up from the 3 I owned previously.


ClioSport Admin
Lighter, thinner, smaller bezel and the space grey has a lovely finish. It's flys and the battery life after 12 months is still awesome. Massive step up from the 3 I owned previously.

Fairy nuff, if this new one is more powerful I think I'll get one. My 4 is still going strong after two years :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Fairy nuff, if this new one is more powerful I think I'll get one. My 4 is still going strong after two years :)

If the 4 is still going strong I'd keep it. I sold my 3 because iOS 7 killed it.


  911 GTS Cab
new iPads have been leaked ahead of tomorrows launch, nothing special unfortunately, exactly what we thought spec wise, no mention of an iPad pro, but that doesn't mean we won't get one, we didn't think we were going to get an iPhone plus this time around.

So the mini 3 was a bit meh, no reason to upgrade from my mini 1 except to maybe a discounted mini 2. It looks like you are paying a lot of money for finger print unlock and a slightly better camera.
Anyway, looking at getting an iPad Air for the female this crimbo, does it still power along nicely? The 32GB @ £360 is tempting but if it's now a bit slow or laggy with iOS8 then may reconsider(?).


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
So the mini 3 was a bit meh, no reason to upgrade from my mini 1 except to maybe a discounted mini 2. It looks like you are paying a lot of money for finger print unlock and a slightly better camera.
Anyway, looking at getting an iPad Air for the female this crimbo, does it still power along nicely? The 32GB @ £360 is tempting but if it's now a bit slow or laggy with iOS8 then may reconsider(?).

My Air is still super slick. Get it bought.


ClioSport Club Member
Had an email from work the other day asking where I want my new ipad delivering, didn't even know they were dishing them out to us!

All I know is it's a 3G air, guessing the now old model though and no idea of capacity yet.

Still be a nice replacement for my ipad 3 which I'm loathed to update from 6 to 8 (should have at least done it to 7 to keep it a bit more up to date!) for fear of it making it run like a dog.
  133/225/CLS AMG
The Mini 3 really is a 'meh' moment, purely updated so it falls in line with the current range all having touch ID. Only good thing is that the iPad Mini 2 is a bargain and still relevant. Thinking of getting my mum one for Xmas to replace her Nexus 7.

The iPad Air 2 on the other hand looks far more impressive. nice that they have put a chip in it that's quicker than the current iPhone range. Kind of sets the iPad apart as the premium product of the range. Also, you'd like to think if they do use the A8X chip in the iPad Pro, the Air 2 has a bit more longevity in it!

Either way, I'll be looking to update my iPad 3 to the Air 2 around Christmas time as that would be a worthwhile upgrade. :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
I'm still rocking an original iPad. Going to treat myself to an Air 2 I think.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI

Still work great?

Yeah works fairly well. Bit jittery now and again but not enough to make it unusable. The big issue with it is it quits applications that are quite graphically intense. Such as web pages with quite a few pictures lol. You learn to cope though.
  Cayman S Edition 1
Anyone bought the Air2 yet? Can't decide if its worth upgrading from the ipad3 or not.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
I can't remember if my missus has a iPad 3 or 4... is there a way of finding out? About in the settings or something?


  BMW 440i
The iPad Air 2 I ordered for my moms 60th has arrived, certainly a significant upgrade over my iPad 4 (Retina one). Very slick!
