IS PH2 172
Coming into work this morning i was fairly late... but not speading i hasten to add. Came into the works carpark, and being last car in it was like an ice rink. turned a bend to my usual parking place... or atleast tried to, carried straight on and crashed right into a bin enclosure scuffing the bumper, denting the door, and losing one of the washer jets for the lights, so my my washer fluid is now forming pretty paterns in the snow. To top it off the fence to the enclosure seems so have gashed one of my tires, its still inflated but looking fairly life threatening to say the least!
Not a massive amount of damager but enough to damage my wallet noticably this month
Devistated is not even close
Not a massive amount of damager but enough to damage my wallet noticably this month
Devistated is not even close