sorry but this new one looks good but its far too simular to other cars released by other manufacturers, and obviousy this is manily to do with pedestrian safety and maximising sales to make money so they can release cars that are way out there in terms of design i.e megane, vel satis etc..
center console look poo, but thats just ot heater controls and a stock radio, with a nice apline in there or DVD screen + the climate option (probably same design as megane with little screen and four buttons) it will look a lot nicer and at least be on par with the old model (damn i now have an old model !)
it will initially seem better built after all to stop rattles you just make bigger lumps of plastic rather than lots of small interconnecting ones like the MKII has. also just put some felt near rough edges and bobs your uncle you have better perceived build.. i bet there will be just the same ammount of electrical gremlins though.