Do you know these people in person on talk audio????? they people who are just told to big up products. They probably have ten different names on there and either sell the product or actually work for the company!
Yes I do personally know some of these people. The db Drag scene is not just about one note wonders, it ties in very closley with the Emma and Iasca competition formats and we are a socialable bunch.
as for your comments about people faking names and working for fusion, On Talkaudio you can tell who works in the trade as there names are in a green colour. The people reviewing the products are long standing members of the community with reputations to up hold but again as "one of the most high regarded audio dealers in the country" calling these people liars isnt a very professional thing to do now is it.
Here is a review of the NV CM65 set by Adam Rayner - its part of the 3 way setup Renshaw was asking about, im sure as "one of the most high regarded audio dealers in the country, you know who Adam Rayner is He thinks they are good value for money and he is a man with a massive reputaion who listens to audio both home and in car, that costs more than my house
Renshaw, I would listen to Adam Rayner over "one of the most high regarded audio dealers in the country" but thats my opinion - Being as Car Hifi Centre dont stock fusion I dont believe Dan is able to give an unbiased view. He has suggested Pioneer, Alpine and JL Audio but slated JBL and Fusion, Can you guess which brands Car Hifi do and dont sell?
The JBL GT4/GT5 subs are fantastic for there money as is the Fusion NV range.
p.s. im honoured that you felt the need to post 3 seperate messages hehe