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Tips on buying a 197 F1

  Clio 197 FF
Hi im looking to buy a clio 197 f1 and was recommended this forum as a place to get advice & tips. i was wondering if anyone could give me some tips and pointers for things to check when buying a 197. many thanks


ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
THe most problematic part is the gearbox-

check for crunching in gears

Also- the recaros seats fall to bits, check the a/c is working, the steering wheel peels,

Buy one with spec- Xenons, Climate etc etc-

Try & get sub 35k miles



ClioSport Admin
hi and welcome.

make sure the belts have been done at either 72k or 5 years

as steve said; xenons with cornering lights (look for washer jets) and climate control are the 'must have options'

make sure the recaro bolsters arent worn

signs of a gearbox waiting to go is a crunch between 3rd and 4th above 5krpm

theres a buyers guide on, have a read of that :)
  Clio 197 FF
Thanks for the tips & advice. Found a few nice cars but involves travelling to look at them so dont want to waste the journey. Is it worth tracking down a good f1 or is a 197 with a cup chassis just as good?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
F1 will hold more value .....

Current pricing private based on 40k & FSH etc

Ultra red 6850
Albi blue 7k
Black 7250
Racing blue/ nimbus 7600
Liquid Yellow 7850

Cambelt due this year on 07 & 57 plates >> £450

