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To debadge 200 or not?

  GTD, Lupo
Cant deside. Got my flose ready to do it but just not sure!!!



  GTD, Lupo
The clio has gone for now :D gonna leave the RS for a short. Got a week off work next week so gonna give it a full detail hopefully then i will get some pictures up and maybe take of the Renault Sport badge :D

Cheers guys



  Clio 200 Cup
AND take the Elf sticker out the back window, I did it before mine even had 10 miles on :)
  TrackCar & F30 330d
Keep the RS badge

Get rid of the Elf sticker in the rear window. Just that alone will make it look neater :)
  220 Trophy
I've ordered a RS 200 in the same colour and with same wheels (good choice!!) and first chance will be taking all the badges off (obviously not the Renault diamond), think it looks/will look so much cleaner. Who cares if nobody knows it's an RS, we do and that's all that counts. Never understood why cars need badges??
Because ripping off/smoothing over every badge in sight is for neds that think it looks cool when really it looks cack. Leaving a few simple ones like the RenaultSport and ELF looks miles better.
If someone can PS it up (not me as I don't have it) with the different options that will give an idea if it looks nice without etc. I reckon it'll be too plain without though.
  220 Trophy
Because ripping off/smoothing over every badge in sight is for neds that think it looks cool when really it looks cack. Leaving a few simple ones like the RenaultSport and ELF looks miles better.

What/who are neds??

As far as I can see, the only reason cars have badges on is free advertising for the manufactures.

Why does it matter if you have a 1.2 or a 5.0?? Surely they are bought for other reasons than showing other people what size engine or specked car you have.

Its like buying nice ‘designer’ clothes that don’t have labels or badges showing, you know you’re wearing something nice, doesn’t matter if anyone else notices or not – IMO same thing applies to cars.

I’m a bit of a minimalist, IMO cars look so much better without lots of badges as it shows off the shape of the car without being cluttered.

You’d have to be a “ned” to assume a RS (or the like) is a 1.2 because it didn’t have an RS badge, surely the twin exhausts, spoilers, wheels, brakes etc give the game away.

Is’nt it cooler to be stealthy, nothing IMO looks cooler than a debadged RS4.
I never mentioned anything about people thinking it was a 1.2 without all the badges, I don't care about that like you said I know what I'm driving is fast/nice whatever so I'm not too bothered about other people.

I just think pulling off all the badges looks poo, a few simple ones left on look much better IMO.
  220 Trophy
Then forgive me for thinking your comments were a bit strong: “cause ripping off/smoothing over every badge in sight is for neds that think it looks cool when really it looks cack”

If you like badges on and I don’t then great as it’s good to be different after all.

I certainly wouldn’t think you were a “ned” for leaving your badges on.
  Clio Sport 197
If someone can PS it up (not me as I don't have it) with the different options that will give an idea if it looks nice without etc. I reckon it'll be too plain without though.


Not the best pic but it makes his purpose. Full removed
  GTD, Lupo
Old post still going :D

Anyways here is what it looks like now.


I also have the RS badge of the front of the new Megan rs on order.

