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to tint or not to tint

  Fabia vrs tdi
not sure about tinting my 182 RB due to the colour of the car it might look a bit silly if i go to dark or if i tint it at all anymore than it already is as standard


ClioSport Club Member
Dont do it, i'm trying to get rid of mine. Hate them on the RB, and to think someone actually paid for them to be put on.

  Fabia vrs tdi
see what u mean it doesnt suit it at all does it, dont think i will even go for a light light tint, but i do like my privacy and dont like ppl inspection the inside of my car from the back
  Fabia vrs tdi
my dog sits in the boot so its good to help her sleep too but no way will i bother doing them if it looks that stupid


ClioSport Club Member
Tints gone, looks a lot better, was a right PITA, ended up getting the residue off with paint thinners!

