Just picked it up and drive 50 miles on back country roads, one word sums it up
Did the T-M RS originally come without the Makinen graphics down the side or have they been removed?
F**k yeah!!!
- did you sell anything (like one of the 5 GTT's or something) to make way for it ?
Which one are you letting go ? I can't keep up with what you buy / sellYes the 5 will have to go in the spring, only one garage space.
Which one are you letting go ? I can't keep up with what you buy / sell :wink:
The last time I looked in, you had a Raider & a silver phase 1, which one do you still have ?
In hardness??Well I've just gone from 6 to 12....
Stunning but needs to loose the M3 mirrors.
Who bought the raider, I really liked that.
For a bit of profit I bet, it was a beaut.